The Effects of Social Performance Indices on the Credit Risk of Iranian Banking Industry
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
Saber Akbarian
Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy
Nader Rezaei
Rasoul Abdi
1 - Ph.D. Student of Accounting, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
2 - Professor of Finance, Management Study & Technology Development Center
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Bonab Islamic Azad University
4 - Assistant Professor. Department of Accounting, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
Keywords: Banking Industry of Iran, credit risk, social performance,
Abstract :
This research investigates the effect of social performance indicators on credit risk in the banking industry. To this end, a 6 years period was considered during 2012- 2017. Finally, 20 banks selected as the study population. The independent variable of this research is the social performance index of banks. In order to elaborate on the social function index checklist, the method of meta-synthesis was used. The content analysis method was then used to measure the rank of social responsibility indicators (number of disclosed items on the total number of items disclosed). In addition, the dependent variable is credit risk. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis proposed in the panel data research. The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between social performance indicators and associated risk factors. That is, the greater the risk of social performance indicators in banks and their operating cost, the higher the risk of credit. On the other hand, the coefficient of estimation of 0.44 for social performance indicators shows that 0.44 changes in banks' credit risk are due to changes in social performance. Also, bank managers should be more cautious in applying social responsibility mechanisms and not assume that this effect should logically be negative is always true.