investing in start-ups in order to achieve a resilient economy and economic defense
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledgemohammadreza ranjbar fallah 1 * , hamid fatahi 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Economics, Payam-e-Noor University
2 - Faculty Member of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran
Keywords: economic defense, Start-ups, Grounded Theory, Resistance Economics,
Abstract :
Today, start-ups play an important role in the economic growth of developed countries, and in the meantime, this type of business can play a decisive role in the realization of a resilient economy and the establishment of appropriate methods of economic defense. Accordingly, in the present study, we seek to answer the question of how investing in start-ups helps to achieve a resilient economy and economic defense? The present research is applied in terms of purpose and uses the qualitative research method in the form of structured foundation data theory. For this purpose, based on the analysis of in-depth interviews conducted with 11 managers and experts of start-up businesses, the process of the phenomenon under study was discovered. Data analysis was performed based on open, axial and selective coding methods. The model obtained from this research shows that the main category that is the common chapter between start-ups and resistance economics is the tendency towards knowledge-based economics. Among the causal factors influencing this process include the components of business owner mentality, inward looking, value-oriented model, risk-taking and teamwork; Environmental factors including government, media, academia and social environment; Intermediate or contextual factors including networking, culture, government institutions, human capital, education system and social capital; Strategies and actions include financing, management consulting, accelerators, entrepreneurial intent and productivity that lead to the creation of economic and defense value as well as increased economic resilience.
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