Liquidity analysis based on principle of fluidity of physics: a new approach.
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti
1 - Full Professor and Founding member and secretary general of the Financial Engineering Association and chairman of the Iranian Management Accounting Association head of research center for financial engineering and market capital
Keywords: stock analysis, liquidity, Financial Physics, financial market analysis, fluidity,
Abstract :
Liquidity is one of the main and crucial elements of capital market which resulted inits ultimate performance and is a indicator of its development. As such Liquidityleads to availability of required funds and finance for active investment firms in Stockmarket.The main purpose of this research is to analyse stocks liquidity using the physics principlesthat is considered to be one of the innovative concepts which increases the possibility of acomprehensive analysis in the subject matter as well as increased financial knowledgethrough other scientific branches such as physics and introduction of a new concept calledfinancial physics.This research in terms of methodology, philosophical and analytical and its approach is areview and extension which has been carried out by analysing the relevant literature andrelated literature.The findings of the research show that firstly, the analysis of stock liquidity using theprinciple of fluidity means, liquid properties in analyzing the states of this matter in physics,is more comprehensive and of the scientific foundations, and secondly, the interactionbetween the disciplines of finance and physics is the field of science development.subsequently, the results show that the stock market and its analysis can be determinedmore rationally by taking advantage of the characteristics of the liquid. fourth, the results ofthis study revealed that the roots of liquidity (fluidity) of liquid translation (liquid) derivedfrom liquid properties i.e. fluidity and flow. being transparent and …).