The effect of co-creation in the face of augmented reality on perceived risk, perceived trust
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeMasoomeh Ghafoori 1 , Nosrat Shadnoosh 2 * , Muhammad Ali Karamati 3
1 - PHD Candidate of Management of Technology, Industrial Management Group, Tehran Center, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Industrial Management Group, Tehran Center, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Industrial Management Group, Tehran Center, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: . Co-creation, Trust and Perceived Risk, Grounded Theory, Augmented Reality,
Abstract :
Subject: Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that can address the limitations of traditional chat and information platforms such as telephones, face-to-face communications, and the Internet. AR has made it possible to access and interact with digital information in real time in the physical world (although the process by which an organization can communicate is often ambiguous, interactions, including conversations and information, often serve as a hub for Shared value creation are described). Thus, interactive platforms enable companies to provide a center for collaboration. In this study, identifying the factors of the co-creation model in the face of perceived augmented reality and explaining their relationships and presenting the co-creation model in Exposure to augmented reality over perceived risk has been intended.Research method: In this research, a mixed method has been applied, which includes qualitative and quantitative methods. First, the data were analyzed using data theory and MAXQDA software and then using structural equation method and SMArtPLS software. The statistical population of this research is for the qualitative part of experts including marketing professors and specialists, augmented reality, and in the quantitative part of this research includes senior managers, middle managers and technical and engineering experts, Mapna Group companies in the field of development and construction of thermal power plants. Oil, gas, and rail projects were sampled as accessible due to difficult access and limitations of coronary heart disease.