Identifying the Impact of Corporate Venturing on the Financial Performance of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas :
Journal of Investment Knowledge
Mohammad Hasan Torabi
Kamal Sakhdari
Mohammad Azizi
1 - PhD in Entrepreneurship, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran
3 - Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran
Received: 2020-02-14
Accepted : 2022-02-20
Published : 2022-09-23
corporate venturing,
corporate entrepreneurship,
multi-business companies,
Financial Performance,
Abstract :
In this study, the impact of corporate venturing on the financial performance of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange was investigated. In order to measure corporate venturing, two components of investing in new product lines as a proxy internal corporate venturing and partnering with business partners in venture creation as a proxy for external venturing and asset return ratio as a proxy for measuring financial performance were used in this study. The results of hypothesis testing using regression analysis show that both internal and external venturing positively impact financial performance, and hence financial performance can be enhanced through venturing activities.
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