Investigating the Rule of “Al-Muntana Al-Wattiaryar La Ainafi al-Kathiyar”
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
Mohammad Javad Ghaemi
Mohammad Sadeq Fazel
rahman valizadeh
1 - Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran
2 - Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran
3 - عضو هیات علمی
Keywords: Refusal, urgency, discretion, eagle, homework,
Abstract :
One of the most definite rules, which is widely accepted by all the principles and jurisprudents, and even the clique in rejecting divine allegiances, is based on the rule of law, according to this rule, if a person is at his own discretion The urgent need for the prohibited verb or the termination of the verb, this urgency does not lead to the abolition of the Eagle and its religious and criminal responsibility. The most important reason for proving this rule, along with the guidance of the guidance of some verses, is the verdict of reason to the correctness of the coexistence and manifestation of the title of deserving the eagle affected by the original authority. The only disagreement among those who are involved in this rule is its inclusion in the position of the person and the duty of the Eagle, which, based on the evidence of the power in the Eagle's privilege, seems to be the monopoly of the lack of tolerance. In terms of adaptation and legal application, it can be said that its major application is in the Islamic Penal Code.
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