The nature of delivery in Convention on the International sale of goods (Vienna 1980)
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesFakhrollah Molaie Kandelous 1 * , Alireza Amini 2
1 - Ph.D. Student of Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch, Course of Jurisprudence and Law, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. of Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Delivery, Prehension, Good, Convention, Imami Jurists,
Abstract :
The Vienna Convention & Incoterms offer a minimalist concept delivery that the seller can deliver products to buyer in his business location while for exit goods from that country the buyer should pay Customs and Insurance costs and Taxes, Etc. As long as the Fees is not paid can't move his goods to other country. This situation is in contrast with the concept of the Imami Jurists of delivery that Invasion and Superiority is as a condition for the realization of delivery. On the other hand that concept is one of the importances of the international trade and simply can't be passed. This caused the concept seriously be discussed in Jurisprudence and Convention. The result of research showed that delivery of good in trade although the costs are incurred since buyer accept this conditions by himself explicitly or implicitly in order to respect the principle of the rule will the Jurisprudence is also valid. Second the subject of delivery on the assumption is separate of its concept and delivery location is more of a concept rather than the term delivery of the convention is intended to express.
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مهر 1388،www.IranLC