Transfer of Proprietary Trusteeship to Jurisprudential one and its Consequences
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesNasrollah Jafari Khosroabadi 1 * , Pegah Sarmadi 2 *
1 - دانشآموختهی دکتری دانشگاه قم، گروه حقوق خصوصی، قم، ایران
2 - دانشآموختهی کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه اصفهان، گروه حقوق خصوصی، اصفهان، ایران
Keywords: trust possession, proprietary trust, religious trust, guarantee.
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Abstract :
People’s possessions in terms of others’ real properties are either onguarantee basis or on trust basis and trust possessions are eitherproprietary or religious. In several cases due to incidences likeinsanity and death in authoritative contracts, proprietary trustpossession turns to religious one and this conversation of possessionhas consequences on the parties’ relationship which have not beenexplicitly mentioned in the Civil Code and legal experts andresearchers have not noticed them yet. Since legal orders arelacking here and Civil Code is defective, by virtue of principle 167of the Constitution, with reference to valid jurisprudential texts, theresearchers not only stipulate evidences of trust possessionconversion, but also count its effects.