Developments and Innovations Family Protection Law 1391 in the Dowry
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesMohammadreza Abbasifard 1 , Behzad Ahangari 2 * , Hassan Pashazadeh 3 , Hadi Behzadi 4
1 - P.hD of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Chairman Legal and Judicial Commission Expediency Council Secretariat, Tehran, Iran
2 - M.A of Private Law, Researcher of Islamic Parliament Research Center, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Private Law Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
4 - Master of Private Law, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Dowry, Financial Law, Wife, Family Support Act of 1391, Article 22,
Abstract :
With the adoption of Article22 of the Family supportAct 1391, the ceiling was determined for dowry. With this explanation that dowry more than 110 is depending on the couple's wealth that the wife must prove her legal rights and less than 110 coinscovered by Article 2 implementation of the Financial convictions law that amendment to Article 18 of the Executive Regulations, the principle is the impossibility of husband imprisonment unless wife can prove financial ability of the husband that in the case of non-payment of dowry followed with his sentence, even if do not accept to deleted man arrested until 110 coins (Article 2implementation of the Financial convictions law). The man could provide insolvency petition and proof of hardship to be released from detention that in this case, the wife will not attain to dowry, too. So it seems that the new law not only does not help to solve the dowry cash but also destroyed few legal protections of wife. If we accept the cash dowry in our law, problems such as heavy dowry of it by wife will remain unchanged.
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