The place of Consensus Companions In Jurisprudence
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
Abdul Jabbar Zargoosh Nasab
Ali Alebouyeh
Alireza Salimi
1 - Assistant Prof. of Ilam University,Department of Jurisprudence and Law,Ilam, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. of Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch,Department of Jurisprudence and Law,Zahedan, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof. of Islamic Azad University, Mahallat Branch,Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Mahallat, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge of Tradition, Consensus Companions, Chain of Authorities on which , Incompletely Transmitted Tradi,
Abstract :
The place of consensus companions in the knowledge of tradition and jurisprudence is on the basis of famous language “Shiite jurisconsults concord that whatever consensus companions narrated is right” that considered by famous rejalei, Abu Amr Mohammad Ibn Omar Kashi. Some viewpoints produce by religious authorities such as Mirza Hossein Noori, Sheykhe Toosi, Ayatollah Khooei, Mehdi Kalbasi and others; someones are believes whatever receive from consensus companions is concord; It means if from the first of document to consensus companions to be right, also from the consensus companions to innocent Imam is right certainly, other groups are believe that can use it’s phrase as one of praise words. This writing is viewpoints about these phrases:”Shiite Jurisconsults concord that whatever consensus companions narrated is right” and “Not narrate and not said any narration without document if that narration was narrated from assured person.
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