An Examination of the Evidential Value of Testimony in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iran's Legal System and the Impact of Psychological Factors on Testimony
Subject Areas : Criminal jurisprudenceHeidar Fatahi (Corresponding author) 1 * , Ruhollah Sepehri 2 , Abbas Pahlevanzadeh 3
1 - PhD student in criminal law and criminology, Azad University, Karaj Branch, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor and faculty member, Islamic Azad University, Naraq Branch, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor and faculty member, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Iran (Advisor).
Keywords: testimony, Imamiya jurisprudence, The validity of testimony, Iran's Legal System, Judicial Psychology,
Abstract :
The testimony of witnesses in all legal systems, including the Islamic legal system and Iran, is recognized as one of the proofs of legal and criminal claims, because the Holy Qur'an refers to testimony in many cases and the need to provide it in lawsuits. In the hadiths narrated from the pure and infallible Ahl al-Bayt, as well as the companions of the Prophet Mohammad, there is a lot of emphasis on this. In some cases, there are differences of viewpoints among Islamic denominations regarding the conditions of the witness. For example, there is a difference in the testimony of a child, but there is consensus among jurists in the area of reason and legitimacy of the person. On the other hand, the impact on the legal concept of testimony is also something that cannot be hidden, which has received special attention in recent decades. Of course, in the legislative system, this important issue has not been taken care of as much as it should be, but psychological needs have caused legal scholars to deal with this issue. This is because the impact of some factors such as mental habits, age, race, personality, feelings, and emotions on the testimony is so important that it can cause irreparable damage.
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