A Jurisprudential Explanation of Marriage without Verbal Aqd (Mu’atati) from Imam Khomeini's Point of View
Subject Areas : Family jurisprudenceAhmad Rastgordani 1 , Mahmoud Qayoumzadeh (Corresponding Author) 2 * , Mohammad Rasoul Ahangaran 3
1 - PhD student in theology and Islamic studies, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran.
2 - Professor and faculty member of University of Theology and Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
3 - Professor and faculty member of University of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran.
Keywords: Mu’atati marriage, the view of Imam Khomeini, Iranian law, marriage, Jurisprudence,
Abstract :
Mu’atati marriage is one of the challenging and important issues in family jurisprudence. Some jurists, accepting the point that words are not relevant in the fulfillment of demand and acceptance, have claimed the validity of the marriage of mu’atati, but most jurists believe that such a marriage contract (Aqd) is not valid, which was stated by Imam Khomeini. It seems that despite the verses and hadiths, the consensus and the sirah (lifestyle) of Muslims, the view of most jurists is more valid. From the point of view of Imam Khomeini, the requirement of the principle of Mu’atat in every marriage and Iqaa (Those pronouncements which do not require participation of two parties) is that its composition should be turned into the deed. Because the deed, like the word, is a means of valid creation and iqaa. As a result, in this article, the jurisprudential explanation of marriage without a verbal contract (mu’atati) was dealt with from the point of view of Imam Khomeini. For this purpose, the validity of mu’atati marriage has been analyzed by descriptive analytical method and in line with the investigation of this issue, taking into account the views of Imam Khomeini and other jurists.
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