The History of Compilation and the Place of the Book of Common Prayer in the Protestantism in Christianity and the Place and Dignity of Prayers and Rituals in Islam
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
Mansoureh Nejatnia
Bakhsh Ali Ghanbari (Corresponding Author)
Mohammad Reza Adli
1 - PhD student of religions and mysticism.
2 - PhD in Religions and Mysticism, Associate Professor of Central Tehran Islamic Azad University, Faculty member of Islamic Azad University of Religions and Mysticism.
3 - PhD in Religions and Mysticism, Associate Professor of Central Tehran Islamic Azad University, Faculty member of Islamic Azad University of Religions and Mysticism, director of the Department for Religions and Mysticism of Central Tehran Azad University.
Keywords: Anglican, Christianity, The Quran, Book of Prayer, Cranmer, Islam,
Abstract :
The Book of Common Prayer is the short title of a number of prayer books that are read as sources of prayer in Christian churches, including the Anglican Communion, and have a high position in Christian religions. The original prayer book of the Anglican Communion was published in England in 1549 in the reign of King Edward VI. This book, which is the product of the reformation of the Church of England after breaking the relationship with the Church of Rome, was able to find an important place in this church. During the Reformation, it was first formally compiled by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and evidence of Protestant theology can be seen throughout the book. The unique reception of Christians due to the easy access of the religious rulings and laws included in this book, encourages every Christian to perform ceremonies, prayers and other religious and obligatory matters. This book, along with the Bible, while playing a prominent role, shows the rituals of Christianity in it more clearly. In Islam, religious rites, considering the rich resources evident in it and including all the parts of Islamic jurisprudence which are derived from the Quran and the teachings of the great Prophet of Islam, are recommended to every Muslim as constructive and enlightening guidelines.
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