Foreign exchange obligations, causes and solutions for non-fulfillment of obligations
Subject Areas : Economic jurisprudence and BankingSattar Shiraali 1 * , عبدالرحیمی Abdolrahimi 2 , Bahman Azmuodeh 3
1 -
2 - Phd in Private Law,Faculty of Law,Shiraz University,shiraz,iran
3 - Phd student of Public Law, Department of Law, centerl Tehran Branch,Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Currency, exporters' foreign currency obligation, importers' foreign currency obligation and fulfilled foreign currency obligations,
Abstract :
If foreign exchange expenditure exceeds its income and resources, it means that the country has borrowed from abroad. As a result, foreign exchange policies are considered among the most important economic policies of any country. The policies adopted by each government in the field of foreign exchange are to maintain the foreign exchange balance of that country; in this way, governments create a balance and equilibrium in the country's foreign income and expenditure. The commission of violations by some importers and exporters, including some importers providing themselves with the opportunity to receive foreign exchange at the official rate abroad by presenting invoices at an unrealistic price and then selling the foreign exchange in excess of the real value of the goods in the unofficial foreign exchange market, or some exporters, when presenting their export quotas, providing themselves with a lower commitment for the return of foreign exchange from exports at an unrealistic price and then selling the foreign exchange in excess of the real value of the goods in the unofficial foreign exchange market; It has made it necessary to control importers and exporters in receiving foreign exchange or paying them foreign exchange. Despite the great importance of foreign exchange issues in every country, today we are witnessing an innumerable volume of outstanding foreign exchange obligations and subsequently frequent changes and unstable foreign exchange regulations aimed at eliminating the aforementioned obligations in our country. In the meantime, the result of the study is that in addition to the current supervision and alongside the prevailing legal enforcement guarantees, applying some solutions is effective in reducing the volume of the aforementioned obligations.
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