Jurisprudential Pathology of Male Circumcision in Iran Focusing on Children's Rights and the Right to the Body
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
1 - Research Methodology Test, Master's Degree in Social Anthropology, University of Kent - England
Keywords: Male circumcision, right to the body, child rights, cultural pathology, Iranian society.,
Abstract :
Circumcision is one of the most important and common events in the childhood of boys and an ancient ritual in some societies of the world today, especially Iran, which is still prevalent despite the violation of various aspects of children's rights; however, adequate scientific knowledge has not been produced regarding this phenomenon and its problematic dimensions and obvious and hidden consequences. In traditional societies, performing the operation on a child's private part is done with a special ritual with the aim of reducing the child's anxiety about entering adulthood, but in contemporary society, every person under the age of 18 is considered a child, and any change in his or her body without the child's own intervention and permission and holding circumcision ceremonies is not only a violation of the child's rights, but also has an anti-educational nature. This article pursues two main goals: first, to analyze the cultural and religious dimensions of the issue of male circumcision in Iranian society, and then to objectively understand issue with a view to children's rights and the right to the body to help formulate effective programs and policies to reduce and eliminate its negative consequences and outcomes. For this purpose, apart from documentary and library studies and using field research with a qualitative approach, the experiences of the participants were evaluated based on targeted interviews among a number of circumcised Iranians living inside and outside the country, as well as interviews with some experts and scientific experts. As the field evidence and available historical documents show, the role of religion in the continuation of the practice of circumcision has been decisive, so that throughout history there have always been and are people who perform this practice without having a specific and clear reason for it other than following religious orders. influenced by the ideological structures of power and, in complicity and interaction with it, regulates its functions and enters into the legitimacy of a part of the health field and encourages the trust of social minds to accept this practice as a natural and necessary practice and not a social construct.
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