Examining the laws of martyrs with an emphasis on Jihad in Imami jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence of war and jihad
kiamars mansoori
esmat savadi
هرمز اسدی کوه باد
1 - دانشجوی دکتری،گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، واحد رامهرمز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رامهرمز، ایران.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran.
Keywords: Laws of martyrs, Jihad chapter, Imami jurisprudence,
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to examine and analyze the laws of martyrs with an emphasis on Jihad in Imami jurisprudence. Therefore, the main question of the current research is: "What special rights do martyrs have from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence?" The hypothesis of the research is that by examining and analyzing the verses of the Holy Quran, two categories of rights for sacrificers can be drawn and identified: spiritual rights and material rights. From the point of view of Iranian laws and relying on some fundamentals of human rights, such as the right to happiness, the exclusive rights of martyrs can be analyzed. From the point of view of the laws of other countries, the specific rights of martyrs can be analyzed and investigated based on the principles of "lawful discrimination" and "right to happiness". This research is based on library studies. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. One of the results of the research is that in order to compensate the material and spiritual losses of martyrs, the Islamic government should make sufficient efforts in this field by setting up protective laws and regulations.
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