Jurisprudential-legal analysis of the government's acquisition measures, in relation to the lands within the boundaries of the cities
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesali bagheri hosein abadi 1 , Mojtaba Nikdoosti 2 * , Maryam Ghorbanifar 3
1 - p.h.d student of Private Law Department, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - استادیار، گروه حقوق خصوصی، واحد اصفهان ( خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
3 - استادیار، گروه حقوق خصوصی، واحد اصفهان ( خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران.
Keywords: expropriation, ownership limitation, urban lands, enfal.,
Abstract :
Examining and clarifying the legal and jurisprudential position of ownership and property rights and laying the groundwork for removing deficiencies, defects and supplementing existing laws and finally, expanding economic security, as well as determining and explaining the permissible and correct territory of expropriation or limitation of ownership by the legitimate religious government And the Shari'i expression of prescribing such an action by the Islamic government and clarifying the goals that cause the political system to ignore the privacy and scope of ownership of individuals for their sake and deprive them of ownership; There are cases that are necessary to examine in Iran's legal system; The cases of confiscation or limitation of ownership of individuals in Iran's relevant laws and regulations are articles 6, 9 and 22 of the Urban Land Law approved in 1366 and the Law on Cancellation of Ownership of Urban Lands and its Construction Quality approved in 1358, as well as cases such as building density, construction permits, which It is in conflict with principles 46 and 47 of the constitution; On the other hand, principles 45 and 40 state a basis for limiting ownership. Now with this description; what are the jurisprudential and legal bases of depriving and limiting the ownership of urban lands (within the limits and boundaries of cities)? To answer this important and fundamental question; First, we will describe and explain the concept of expropriation, and then we will examine and analyze the legal bases and reasons for prescribing this action by the government. Legal bases of confiscation and limitation of ownership of urban lands by the government; There are things such as the special powers of the absolute jurisprudence of the jurist, the obligation to respect and honor private property to comply with legal regulations, the prohibition of harming others in the exercise of property rights, and the necessity of observing Islamic standards in financial and economic affairs; Objectives of expropriation and limitation of ownership of urban lands by the government; Things like performing public services, preventing harm to others, and punishing and fining offenders (financial penalty).
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