Competitiveness of The Company on The Market: Analytical Method of Assessment and The Phenomenon of The Impact of Corruption in Ukraine
Subject Areas : Design of ExperimentR. Skrynkovskyy 1 , A. Kataiev 2 * , O. Zaiats 3 , H. Andrushchenko 4 , N. Popova 5
1 - Lviv University of Business and Law, Ukraine.
2 - Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine.
3 - Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
4 - Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine.
5 - Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine.
Keywords: Competitive Advantages, enterprise, Competitiveness of the Enterprise, Corruption Risks, Method of Assessment of Competitiveness,
Abstract :
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical positions and develop practical recommendations for the development of tools for analytical assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise, taking into account the influence of the corruption component. It has been established that the main inalienable structural components of the analytical assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises on the market are: 1) the efficiency of the enterprise (in four components: financial and economic efficiency, commercial efficiency, production-technological efficiency, social efficiency); 2) the competitiveness of the enterprise’s products (includes calculation of such indicators as an integral indicator of product quality (useful effect), price of products, integral indicator of service quality and other additional (consumer) product parameters).
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