New Economic Instruments of State Regulation of Private Savings, Social Security and Pension Support
Subject Areas : Design of ExperimentSergii Zakharin 1 * , Anastasia Duka 2 , Maksym Zhytar 3 , Olga Rudenko 4 , Olha Serdiuk 5
1 - Kyiv Ukraine Research Institute of Economic Development, Kyiv Ukraine.
2 - Chernihiv National University of Technology, Сhernihiv ,Ukrainе.
3 - University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine.
4 - Chernihiv National University of Technology, Сhernihiv ,Ukrainе.
5 - Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine, Poltava ,Ukraine.
Keywords: Social Security, Economic instruments, Private savings, Medical insurance, Pensions,
Abstract :
In the conditions of market infrastructure for the transformation of medical services, there is an objective need to build effective insurance protection of the population against risks associated with loss of health. Using a systematic approach, the problem of combining compulsory and voluntary health insurance is investigated, a theoretical conceptualization of the concept of “financial mechanism of public health insurance” is carried out. The solution of the above problems will contribute to the development of an adequate approach to the formation and use of funds of insurance funds for the effective functioning of the health insurance system. system. Also, the development of a more rational structure of public health will meet the needs of protecting property interests related to loss / deterioration of health.
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