Investigating the potential to improve the efficiency of iran's road bridge management system from the point of view of bridge maintenance experts
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
ali medghalchi
Pooria Rashvand
ali delnavaz
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qzavin, Iran
3 - Department of Civil Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Iran, Optimization, Bridge management system, concrete road bridges,
Abstract :
Bridges, the most important road infrastructure in construction and operation conditions, are constantly exposed to the crisis of depreciation and destruction. With the reduction of government budgets and the consequent reduction of their maintenance credits, the approach of this crisis to a disaster is implausible. In such a situation, a dynamic and comprehensive system that can appropriately prioritize limited budget allocation is undoubtedly desirable for the trustees. This system is called Bridge Management System (BMS). This research seeks to investigate the capacities of improving the management system of road bridges in Iran. For this purpose, a library study method has been used to examine the findings of other researchers in the field of BMS improvement potentials. The result of this study is the selection of three techniques of project risk management, comprehensive quality management and data mining, whose functions and characteristics to be able to match and improve BMS functions. A field study tested the improved performance of BMS in front of bridge maintenance operators in the country. The final result of the research showed that the proposed improved performance. It has raised the expectations of the operators of the maintenance of Iranian bridges in a general and step-by-step manner.
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