Comparison of Hypochondriasis, Social Support, Social Anxiety and General Health in Mothers of Retarded and normal Children. Authors: (Farah Naderi / Sahar Safarzadah / Roya Mashak)
Subject Areas : People with special needs Health Psychology
Keywords: Hypochondriasis, social support, social anxiety, general health, retarded and normal children. ,
Abstract :
Abstract The current research was intended to compare hypochondriasis, social support, social anxiety and general health in mothers of retarded and normal children in Ahwaz, Iran. The sample included 80 mothers of retarded children and 80 mothers of normal children, selected with random sampling method. Ahwaz Hypochondriasis Test (AHT), Philips Social Support, Fear Negative Evaluation and Social Avoidance and Distress (FNE, SAD) scales and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28) were implemented as data selection instruments. This research was a causal-comparative descriptive study. Data multi-variate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that there were significant differences between mothers of retarded and normal children in Hypochondriasis, social support, social anxiety and general health (P<0.002); Therefore all the research hypotheses were confirmed.
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