Investigating Factors Affecting the Market of Specialized Drugs in Iran
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
Alireza Rezvani Chaman Zamin
Nasser Feghi Farahmand
muosa Rezvani Chaman Zamin,
Yaghoub Alavi Matin
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
4 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Medication, Pattern of Use, Specialized Medicines, Drug Market,
Abstract :
Introduction: The pharmaceutical product market is one of the largest and highest -paid markets in the world in which the upper figures are exchanged every year. A market where any inaccurate decision on it quickly boosts the black market and makes the drug dealers stronger. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the market for specialized drugs in Iran.Methods: The results of the study have been examined in a quantitative method. The method used in this study is based on fundamental studies. The present study is based on the data collection method. In this study, targeted sampling methods used to select experts and simple random methods in 385.Results: The results showed that the two modulations of the proprietary profit reduction on the relationship between processing and ease of consumption on the drug market prediction of 4.414 with a significant level of 0.0001, which is less than alpha = 0.05, As the most important factor and adjustment of proprietary profit reduction on the relationship between the office and the physician on the anticipation of the drug use market with a coefficient of 2.355 and the significant level of 0.0001 to two important factors in impact on the anticipation of the drug use market Specialized in Iran are identifiable.Conclusion: Finally, the drug market is very attractive in many ways. Drug manufacturers must persuade physicians to sell the drug to the final consumer who are patients, in other words, the final decision maker here. Therefore, given the high impact of the drug characteristics and the patient's characteristics on the drug selection, it is better to marketing their time and energy on the marketing of more desirable drug profiles (for physicians).
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21- Hulme S, Hughes C E & Nielsen S. The price and mark up of pharmaceutical drugs supplied on the black market. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020; 76: 102626.
22- Köhler S, Friedli T & Basu P. Operational Excellence in Pharmaceutical Quality Control Labs: Driver of an Effective Quality System. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation; 2019: 1-17.
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25- Pestun I V, Mnushko Z M & Ievtushenko O M. Marketing research of the Pharmaceutical market in Ukraine: Peculiarities, Trends, Problems, Tendencies. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2019; 12(4): 2049-2054.
_||_1- Omidinejad M, Alijanzadeh F, Abdizdan Gh. Comparison of the effect of cold dialysis solution with normal on blood pressure and dialysis duration tolerance in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment in Malair city in 2017. National conference on promoting the health of the individual, family and society; 2018.
2 Bahrami H, Azizi M, Badiazadeh A, Shirsewar H. Institutional factors influencing the internationalization of pharmaceutical technology companies. Health management; 2019: 19-30.
3- Begum M, Rashidbaghan A. Practical guide to diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia. Courier Basil; 2013.
4- Pourreza A and Khabeiri R. Health and Aging Economics, Iran Geriatrics Journal; 2015: 80-87.
5- Perivi M, Ahmadi Marzaleh M. Resilient drug supply chain in disaster response phase. 9th International Congress on Health in Accidents and Disasters; 2018.
6- A comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical industry, prepared in the investment consulting of Sahem Ashna Brokerage; 2015.
7- Tagvi A and Moqtader Kargan M. marketing of pharmaceutical products, World Conference on Psychology and Educational Sciences, Law and Social Sciences at the beginning of the third millennium, Shiraz; 2015.
8- Diestre L, Rajagopalan N & Dutta S. Constraints in acquiring and utilizing directors' experience: An empirical study of new‐market entry in the pharmaceutical industry. Strategic Management Journal, 2015; 36(3): 339-359.
9- Shah S, Musonda T & Menon S. To examine the impacts of Iota on pharmaceutical supply chain management in Zambia. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 2019; 6: 14-18.
10- Zahiri B, Jula P & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R. Design of a pharmaceutical supply chain network under uncertainty considering perishability and substitutability of products. Information Sciences, 2018; 423: 257-283.
11- Bertoldi A D, Wagner A K, Emmerick C M, et al. The Brazilian private pharmaceutical market after the first ten years of the generics law. Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice, 2019; 12(1): 18.
12- Button P. Population Aging, Age Discrimination, and Age Discrimination Protections at the 50th Anniversary of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. In Current and Emerging Trends in Aging and Work; 2020: 163-188. Springer, Cham.
13- Costa T, Borges-Tiago T & Tiago F. Pharmaceutical Communication over Social Media Channels: 24/7 Management Challenges. In Digital Communication Management; 2018: 77-96.
14- Dathaev U M, Shopabayeva A R & Еrganova R B. Trends of the global pharmaceutical market development. News of Pharmacy, 2020; 1(99): 58-63.
15- Dégardin K, Roggo Y & Margot P. Understanding and fighting the medicine counterfeit market. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 2014; 87, 167-175.
16- Emilsson V, Gudnason V & Jennings L L. Predicting health and life span with the deep plasma proteome. Nature Medicine, 2019; 25(12): 1815-1816.
17- Lawrence X Y, Amidon G, Khan M A. et al. Understanding pharmaceutical quality by design. The AAPS journal, 2014; 16(4): 771-783.
18- Gottlieb G. The logic of choice: An investigation of the concepts of rule and rationality. Rutledge; 2019.
19- Grepperud S & Andreas P P. Positioning and negotiations: The case of pharmaceutical pricing. European Journal of Political Economy; 2020: 101-853.
20- Lopes M R, Costigliola A, Pinto R M, et al. Novel governance model for planning in pharmaceutical quality control laboratories. IFAC-Papers Online, 2018; 51(11): 484-489.
21- Hulme S, Hughes C E & Nielsen S. The price and mark up of pharmaceutical drugs supplied on the black market. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020; 76: 102626.
22- Köhler S, Friedli T & Basu P. Operational Excellence in Pharmaceutical Quality Control Labs: Driver of an Effective Quality System. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation; 2019: 1-17.
23- Salter, B., & Salter, C. The politics of ageing: health consumers, markets and hegemonic challenge. Sociology of health & illness, 2018; 40(6): 1069-1086.
24- Mayor S. Pfizer will not apply for a license for sildenafil for women. Bmj, 2004; 328(7439): 542.
25- Pestun I V, Mnushko Z M & Ievtushenko O M. Marketing research of the Pharmaceutical market in Ukraine: Peculiarities, Trends, Problems, Tendencies. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2019; 12(4): 2049-2054.