Identifying and analyzing variables affecting the advertising effectiveness in the healthcare system
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
mohammad hosein riahi
shahnaz nayebzadeh
abolfazl davodi roknabadi
1 - PhD student, Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Professor of Textile, Department of Textile, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: health system, Advertising effectiveness, Content analysis, cognitive mapping,
Abstract :
Introduction: The importance of advertising as a tool to change people's attitude and behavior, along with the high costs of advertising, the issue of the advertising effectiveness, especially in the field of health, has attracted the attention of many country’s managers and decision makers as well as researchers; Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify and cognitively map the variables affecting the advertising effectiveness of organizations active in the healthcare system in order to develop suitable scenarios in this field. Methods: The present qualitative-quantitative mixed research in the first step identified variables affecting the advertising effectiveness by analyzing the content of articles published at the national and international level in the field of health and in the second step through a questionnaire related to fuzzy cognitive mapping of relationships between eleven variables obtained from the first step has been analyzed and the scenario has been compiled by Fcmapper and Pajek software. Results: Data analysis resulted in eleven frequent variables in the selected articles that have an effect on the advertising effectiveness in the field of health, along with their impact and scenarios for achieving the goals of the health and treatment system in the field of advertising. Conclusion: The effectiveness of advertising is the extent to which an advertisement ends in a desirable effect, considering the high amount of government investment on health advertisements and also the undeniable importance of health, the present research invite the managers and decision makers of organizations active in the health and treatment system to increase the awareness of the audience through useful advertising that invites appropriate information on the features of health-related products and services; Effective advertisements that use the brand value in this area along with the social influence of healthcare specialists to reduce the mental risk of the target audience and pave the way to the realization of the goals of the countries in the field of prevention, treatment and promotion of people's awareness in the field of health.
1- Hassani Ziabari S. R, Baghersalimi, S, Homayounfar, M. Analyzing the Stakeholders’ Evaluation Components in Hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences with a Qualitative Approach. Journal of healthcare management, 2023; 13(4): 7-21. Doi: 10.30495/jhm.2023.70163.11076 [Persian]
2- Ranjbar Ezzatabadi M, Eyvagi M, Dehghanitafti A, Baghian N. Factors of Clients Advertising oral in Yazd Infertility Center – 2014 Predictive. Journal of healthcare management, 2015; 6(3): 35-42. [In Persian]
3- Davies, D. Eradicating Gender Stereotypes in Advertising in Spain. Towards Gender Equality in Law; 2022: 211.
4- Tajik Esmaeili S and Moradi S. Relationship between TV Commercials and Customers’ Selection of Products. Rasaneh, 2018; 29(1): 79-110. [In Persian]
5- Sharifi M, Khazaei Pool J, Jalilvand M R, Tabaeeian R. A & Ghanbarpour Jooybari M. Forecasting of advertising effectiveness for renewable energy technologies: A neural network analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019; 143: 154-161.
6- Pyun D. Y; James J. D. Attitude toward advertising through sport: A theoretical framework. Sport Management Review, 2011; 14: 33-41.
7- Kao T.F and Du Y. Zh. A study on the influence of green advertising design and environmental emotion on advertising effect. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020; 242: 1-13.
8- Madhoshi M, Rezaee S. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Viral Advertising Using Experimental Design. Journal of Business Management, 2013; 5(3): 125-144. Doi: 10.22059/jibm.2013.50201. [In Persian]
9- Andersson H, Lexmon Å, Robertsson JÅ, Lundeheim N, Wierup M. Agricultural policy and social returns to eradication programs: the case of Aujeszky's disease in Sweden. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1997 Feb 1; 29(4): 311-28.
10- Marchand J, Filiatrault P. AIDS’s prevention advertising: Different message strategies for different communication objectives. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 2002 Sep; 7(3): 271-87.
11- Petersen A, Seear K. Technologies of hope: techniques of the online advertising of stem cell treatments. New Genetics and Society, 2011 Dec 1; 30(4): 329-46.
12- Sheikholeslami kandelousi N, Nafari N, kouhestani S. The Role of Individual Responsibility towards Health in Prioritizing the Provision of Health Services by Health Policy Makers in Iran. Journal of healthcare management, 2022; 13(2): 19-27. Doi: 10.30495/jhm.2022.22857.11055
13- Purcarea VL. The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. J Med Life, 2019; 12(2): 93-96. Doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-1003.
14- Nallaperuma K, Septianto F & Bandyopadhyay A. Mixed emotional appeal enhances advertising effectiveness of pro-environmental luxury brands: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2021; 34(1): 175-189.
15- Septianto F, Japutra A, Sung B and Seo Y. The interaction effect of country-of-origin positioning and cultural distance on international advertising effectiveness: a construal level perspective. International Marketing Review, 2022; Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
16- Spencer-Thomas S, Hindman J & Conrad J. Man Therapy: Outreach and Impact on Men’s Mental Health Program 18 Months After Launch, 2014; Available at:
17- Sarfraz U. and Bano S. Moderating impact of brand authenticity and control over ads on the effectiveness of Facebook advertising: a two-sample study.EuroMed Journal of Business, 2022; ahead-of-print:
18- Maheshwari P, Seth N, Gupta A. Advertisement Effectiveness: A Review and Research Agenda'. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Open Science Index 96, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 2022; 8(12): 3918 - 3922.
19- Yousef M, Rundle-Thiele S & Dietrich T. Advertising appeals effectiveness: a systematic literature review. Health Promotion International, 2021; 36(6). https://doi: org/10.1093/heapro/daab204
20- Lego T. Privacy and Cost Concerns in Online Advertising—Literature Review and Analysis. In: Kryvinska, N., Poniszewska-Marańda, A. (Eds) Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022; 377: 529–568.
21- Snoswell, C. L., Chelberg, G., De Guzman, K. R., Haydon, H. H., Thomas, E. E., Caffery, L. J., & Smith, A. C. .The clinical effectiveness of telehealth: a systematic review of meta-analyses from 2010 to 2019. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 2021; June: 1-16.
22- Shapiro B T, Hitsch G.J & Tuchman A E. TV advertising effectiveness and profitability: Generalizable results from 288 brands. Econometrica, 2021; 89(4): 1855-1879.
23-, 10 June 2022.
24- Vaughan K, Beal V, Romaniuk J. Can Brand Users Really Remember Advertising More Than Nonusers? Testing an Empirical Generalization Across Six Advertising Awareness Measures. Journal of Advertising Research, 2016 Sep 1; 56(3): 311-20.
25- Laluyan WN, Pangemanan SS, Worang FG. The effect of advertising, perceived quality and brand awareness on consumer purchase intention (Case study: Adidas sport shoes). Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 2017 Apr 20; 5(2).
26- Karagiannis D, Hatzithomas L, Fotiadis T, Gasteratos A. The Impact of Brand Awareness and Country of Origin in the Advertising Effectiveness of Greek Food Products in the United Kingdom: The Case of Greek Yogurt. Foods, 2022 Dec 13; 11(24): 4019.
27- Bergkvist L, Taylor CR. Reviving and improving brand awareness as a construct in advertising research. Journal of Advertising, 2022 Jul 15; 51(3): 294-307.
28- Pavlou PA, Stewart DW. Measuring the effects and effectiveness of interactive advertising: A research agenda. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2000 Sep 1; 1(1): 61-77.
29- Kumar DP, Raju KV. The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013 Nov; 14(4): 37-45.
30- Dehdashti Z, niakan lahiji N. E-advertising effectiveness on consumer behavior of computer products and services. Management Studies in Development and Evolution, 2010; 20(60): 115-124. [In Persian]
31- Aitken R, Gray B, Lawson R. Advertising effectiveness from a consumer perspective. International Journal of Advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 279-97.
32- Ansari A, Riasi A. An investigation of factors affecting brand advertising success and effectiveness. International Business Research, 2016; 9(4): 20-30.
33- McAlister L, Srinivasan R, Jindal N, Cannella AA. Advertising effectiveness: the moderating effect of firm strategy. Journal of Marketing Research, 2016 Apr; 53(2): 207-24.
34- Liu L, Zhang J, Keh HT. Event-marketing and advertising expenditures: The differential effects on brand value and company revenue. Journal of advertising research, 2018 Dec 1; 58(4): 464-75.
35- MacKenzie SB, Lutz RJ, Belch GE. The role of attitude toward the ad as a mediator of advertising effectiveness: A test of competing explanations. Journal of marketing research, 1986 May; 23(2): 130-43.
36- Mehta A. Advertising attitudes and advertising effectiveness. Journal of advertising research, 2000 May 1; 40(3): 67-72.
37- Priester JR, Petty RE. The influence of spokesperson trustworthiness on message elaboration, attitude strength, and advertising effectiveness. Journal of consumer psychology, 2003 Jan 1; 13(4): 408-21.
38- Rabiee, A., Mohammadian, M., Baradaran Jamili, B. ٍEvaluating Advertizing Effectiveness of Parsian Bank and Identifying the Factors with Most Influence on Its Improvement in the City of Tehran. New Marketing Research Journal, 2011; 1(2): 17-40. [In Persian]
39- Aguirre E, Mahr D, Grewal D, De Ruyter K, Wetzels M. Unraveling the personalization paradox: The effect of information collection and trust-building strategies on online advertisement effectiveness. Journal of retailing, 2015 Mar 1; 91(1): 34-49.
40- Goldsmith RE, Lafferty BA. Consumer response to Web sites and their influence on advertising effectiveness. Internet research, 2002 Oct 1; 12(4): 318-28.
41- Wang KC, Chou SH, Su CJ, Tsai HY. More information, stronger effectiveness? Different group package tour advertising components on web page. Journal of Business Research, 2007 Apr 1; 60(4): 382-7.
42- Amos C, Holmes G, Strutton D. Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size. International journal of advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 209-34.
43- Al-Ababneh HA, Amayreh KT. Optimal Advertising Methods and Creating Investment Confidence. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2021; 25(5): 1-3.
44- Schroeder E, Tremblay CH, Tremblay VJ. Confidence bias and advertising in imperfectly competitive markets. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021 Jun; 42(4): 885-97.
45- Yang KC. The Effects of Social Influence on Blog Advertising Use. Intercultural Communication Studies, 2011 Dec 1; 20(2).
46- Chang KT, Chen W, Tan BC. Advertising effectiveness in social networking sites: Social ties, expertise, and product type. IEEE Transactions on engineering management, 2012 Feb 16; 59(4): 634-43.
47- Van de Sompel D, Vermeir I. The influence of source attractiveness on self‐perception and advertising effectiveness for 6‐to 7‐year‐old children. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2016 Sep; 40(5): 575-82.
48- Chekima B, Chekima FZ, Adis AA. Social media influencer in advertising: The role of attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness. Journal of Economics and Business, 2020 Nov 30; 3(4).
49- Amos C, Holmes G, Strutton D. Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size. International journal of advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 209-34.
50- Lafferty BA, Goldsmith RE. How influential are corporate credibility and endorser attractiveness when innovators react to advertisements for a new high-technology product? Corporate reputation review, 2004 Jan 1; 7: 24-36.
51- Auschaitrakul S, Mukherjee A. Online display advertising: The influence of web site type on advertising effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 2017 Apr; 34(4): 463-80.
52- Yim MY, Yoo SC, Till BD, Eastin MS. In-store video advertising effectiveness: three new studies provide in-market field data. Journal of Advertising Research, 2010 Dec 1; 50(4): 386-402.
53- Van den Broeck E, Zarouali B, Poels K. Chatbot advertising effectiveness: When does the message get through?. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019 Sep 1; 98: 150-7.
54- Bhat S, Bevans M, Sengupta S. Measuring users' Web activity to evaluate and enhance advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 2002 Oct 1; 31(3): 97-106.
55- Huhmann BA, Albinsson PA. Assessing the usefulness of taxonomies of visual rhetorical figures. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 2019 May 4; 40(2): 171-95.
_||_1- Hassani Ziabari S. R, Baghersalimi, S, Homayounfar, M. Analyzing the Stakeholders’ Evaluation Components in Hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences with a Qualitative Approach. Journal of healthcare management, 2023; 13(4): 7-21. Doi: 10.30495/jhm.2023.70163.11076 [Persian]
2- Ranjbar Ezzatabadi M, Eyvagi M, Dehghanitafti A, Baghian N. Factors of Clients Advertising oral in Yazd Infertility Center – 2014 Predictive. Journal of healthcare management, 2015; 6(3): 35-42. [In Persian]
3- Davies, D. Eradicating Gender Stereotypes in Advertising in Spain. Towards Gender Equality in Law; 2022: 211.
4- Tajik Esmaeili S and Moradi S. Relationship between TV Commercials and Customers’ Selection of Products. Rasaneh, 2018; 29(1): 79-110. [In Persian]
5- Sharifi M, Khazaei Pool J, Jalilvand M R, Tabaeeian R. A & Ghanbarpour Jooybari M. Forecasting of advertising effectiveness for renewable energy technologies: A neural network analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019; 143: 154-161.
6- Pyun D. Y; James J. D. Attitude toward advertising through sport: A theoretical framework. Sport Management Review, 2011; 14: 33-41.
7- Kao T.F and Du Y. Zh. A study on the influence of green advertising design and environmental emotion on advertising effect. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020; 242: 1-13.
8- Madhoshi M, Rezaee S. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Viral Advertising Using Experimental Design. Journal of Business Management, 2013; 5(3): 125-144. Doi: 10.22059/jibm.2013.50201. [In Persian]
9- Andersson H, Lexmon Å, Robertsson JÅ, Lundeheim N, Wierup M. Agricultural policy and social returns to eradication programs: the case of Aujeszky's disease in Sweden. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1997 Feb 1; 29(4): 311-28.
10- Marchand J, Filiatrault P. AIDS’s prevention advertising: Different message strategies for different communication objectives. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 2002 Sep; 7(3): 271-87.
11- Petersen A, Seear K. Technologies of hope: techniques of the online advertising of stem cell treatments. New Genetics and Society, 2011 Dec 1; 30(4): 329-46.
12- Sheikholeslami kandelousi N, Nafari N, kouhestani S. The Role of Individual Responsibility towards Health in Prioritizing the Provision of Health Services by Health Policy Makers in Iran. Journal of healthcare management, 2022; 13(2): 19-27. Doi: 10.30495/jhm.2022.22857.11055
13- Purcarea VL. The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. J Med Life, 2019; 12(2): 93-96. Doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-1003.
14- Nallaperuma K, Septianto F & Bandyopadhyay A. Mixed emotional appeal enhances advertising effectiveness of pro-environmental luxury brands: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2021; 34(1): 175-189.
15- Septianto F, Japutra A, Sung B and Seo Y. The interaction effect of country-of-origin positioning and cultural distance on international advertising effectiveness: a construal level perspective. International Marketing Review, 2022; Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
16- Spencer-Thomas S, Hindman J & Conrad J. Man Therapy: Outreach and Impact on Men’s Mental Health Program 18 Months After Launch, 2014; Available at:
17- Sarfraz U. and Bano S. Moderating impact of brand authenticity and control over ads on the effectiveness of Facebook advertising: a two-sample study.EuroMed Journal of Business, 2022; ahead-of-print:
18- Maheshwari P, Seth N, Gupta A. Advertisement Effectiveness: A Review and Research Agenda'. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Open Science Index 96, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 2022; 8(12): 3918 - 3922.
19- Yousef M, Rundle-Thiele S & Dietrich T. Advertising appeals effectiveness: a systematic literature review. Health Promotion International, 2021; 36(6). https://doi: org/10.1093/heapro/daab204
20- Lego T. Privacy and Cost Concerns in Online Advertising—Literature Review and Analysis. In: Kryvinska, N., Poniszewska-Marańda, A. (Eds) Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022; 377: 529–568.
21- Snoswell, C. L., Chelberg, G., De Guzman, K. R., Haydon, H. H., Thomas, E. E., Caffery, L. J., & Smith, A. C. .The clinical effectiveness of telehealth: a systematic review of meta-analyses from 2010 to 2019. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 2021; June: 1-16.
22- Shapiro B T, Hitsch G.J & Tuchman A E. TV advertising effectiveness and profitability: Generalizable results from 288 brands. Econometrica, 2021; 89(4): 1855-1879.
23-, 10 June 2022.
24- Vaughan K, Beal V, Romaniuk J. Can Brand Users Really Remember Advertising More Than Nonusers? Testing an Empirical Generalization Across Six Advertising Awareness Measures. Journal of Advertising Research, 2016 Sep 1; 56(3): 311-20.
25- Laluyan WN, Pangemanan SS, Worang FG. The effect of advertising, perceived quality and brand awareness on consumer purchase intention (Case study: Adidas sport shoes). Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 2017 Apr 20; 5(2).
26- Karagiannis D, Hatzithomas L, Fotiadis T, Gasteratos A. The Impact of Brand Awareness and Country of Origin in the Advertising Effectiveness of Greek Food Products in the United Kingdom: The Case of Greek Yogurt. Foods, 2022 Dec 13; 11(24): 4019.
27- Bergkvist L, Taylor CR. Reviving and improving brand awareness as a construct in advertising research. Journal of Advertising, 2022 Jul 15; 51(3): 294-307.
28- Pavlou PA, Stewart DW. Measuring the effects and effectiveness of interactive advertising: A research agenda. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2000 Sep 1; 1(1): 61-77.
29- Kumar DP, Raju KV. The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2013 Nov; 14(4): 37-45.
30- Dehdashti Z, niakan lahiji N. E-advertising effectiveness on consumer behavior of computer products and services. Management Studies in Development and Evolution, 2010; 20(60): 115-124. [In Persian]
31- Aitken R, Gray B, Lawson R. Advertising effectiveness from a consumer perspective. International Journal of Advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 279-97.
32- Ansari A, Riasi A. An investigation of factors affecting brand advertising success and effectiveness. International Business Research, 2016; 9(4): 20-30.
33- McAlister L, Srinivasan R, Jindal N, Cannella AA. Advertising effectiveness: the moderating effect of firm strategy. Journal of Marketing Research, 2016 Apr; 53(2): 207-24.
34- Liu L, Zhang J, Keh HT. Event-marketing and advertising expenditures: The differential effects on brand value and company revenue. Journal of advertising research, 2018 Dec 1; 58(4): 464-75.
35- MacKenzie SB, Lutz RJ, Belch GE. The role of attitude toward the ad as a mediator of advertising effectiveness: A test of competing explanations. Journal of marketing research, 1986 May; 23(2): 130-43.
36- Mehta A. Advertising attitudes and advertising effectiveness. Journal of advertising research, 2000 May 1; 40(3): 67-72.
37- Priester JR, Petty RE. The influence of spokesperson trustworthiness on message elaboration, attitude strength, and advertising effectiveness. Journal of consumer psychology, 2003 Jan 1; 13(4): 408-21.
38- Rabiee, A., Mohammadian, M., Baradaran Jamili, B. ٍEvaluating Advertizing Effectiveness of Parsian Bank and Identifying the Factors with Most Influence on Its Improvement in the City of Tehran. New Marketing Research Journal, 2011; 1(2): 17-40. [In Persian]
39- Aguirre E, Mahr D, Grewal D, De Ruyter K, Wetzels M. Unraveling the personalization paradox: The effect of information collection and trust-building strategies on online advertisement effectiveness. Journal of retailing, 2015 Mar 1; 91(1): 34-49.
40- Goldsmith RE, Lafferty BA. Consumer response to Web sites and their influence on advertising effectiveness. Internet research, 2002 Oct 1; 12(4): 318-28.
41- Wang KC, Chou SH, Su CJ, Tsai HY. More information, stronger effectiveness? Different group package tour advertising components on web page. Journal of Business Research, 2007 Apr 1; 60(4): 382-7.
42- Amos C, Holmes G, Strutton D. Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size. International journal of advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 209-34.
43- Al-Ababneh HA, Amayreh KT. Optimal Advertising Methods and Creating Investment Confidence. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2021; 25(5): 1-3.
44- Schroeder E, Tremblay CH, Tremblay VJ. Confidence bias and advertising in imperfectly competitive markets. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021 Jun; 42(4): 885-97.
45- Yang KC. The Effects of Social Influence on Blog Advertising Use. Intercultural Communication Studies, 2011 Dec 1; 20(2).
46- Chang KT, Chen W, Tan BC. Advertising effectiveness in social networking sites: Social ties, expertise, and product type. IEEE Transactions on engineering management, 2012 Feb 16; 59(4): 634-43.
47- Van de Sompel D, Vermeir I. The influence of source attractiveness on self‐perception and advertising effectiveness for 6‐to 7‐year‐old children. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2016 Sep; 40(5): 575-82.
48- Chekima B, Chekima FZ, Adis AA. Social media influencer in advertising: The role of attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness. Journal of Economics and Business, 2020 Nov 30; 3(4).
49- Amos C, Holmes G, Strutton D. Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size. International journal of advertising, 2008 Jan 1; 27(2): 209-34.
50- Lafferty BA, Goldsmith RE. How influential are corporate credibility and endorser attractiveness when innovators react to advertisements for a new high-technology product? Corporate reputation review, 2004 Jan 1; 7: 24-36.
51- Auschaitrakul S, Mukherjee A. Online display advertising: The influence of web site type on advertising effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 2017 Apr; 34(4): 463-80.
52- Yim MY, Yoo SC, Till BD, Eastin MS. In-store video advertising effectiveness: three new studies provide in-market field data. Journal of Advertising Research, 2010 Dec 1; 50(4): 386-402.
53- Van den Broeck E, Zarouali B, Poels K. Chatbot advertising effectiveness: When does the message get through?. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019 Sep 1; 98: 150-7.
54- Bhat S, Bevans M, Sengupta S. Measuring users' Web activity to evaluate and enhance advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 2002 Oct 1; 31(3): 97-106.
55- Huhmann BA, Albinsson PA. Assessing the usefulness of taxonomies of visual rhetorical figures. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 2019 May 4; 40(2): 171-95.