Untimarketing the Unnecessary Use of Health Services on Social Security Organization
Subject Areas : medical documentsghasem zarei 1 , tahereh zarei 2 , somayeh pourghadimi 3 *
1 - Associate professor, Department of management, university of mohaghegh ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - nEducator Department of Nursing, Sarab Faculty of Medical Sciences, Sarab, Iran
3 - M.Sc. student of management, university of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Health services, Grounded Theory, Anti-marketing, Unnecessary referrals, Social security,
Abstract :
Introduction: Health services, like other services, have a specific capacity and overuse of this capacity will reduce quality. Part of the referrals to the Social Security Organization for the use of health care services is unnecessary visits and leads to improper use of available capacities. Anti-marketing is one of the duties of marketers to carry out activities to discourage people from consuming products or services. The purpose of this study is to identify the causes and methods of anti-marketing in theunnecessary use of health care services of the Social Security Organization. Methods: This research is an applied in terms of research purpose, exploratory in terms of nature and qualitative research in terms of approach. In this research, the data from an interview with 24 physicians, staff and clients referring to social security centers using the grounded Theory Method and was analyzed in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selective coding). Results: As a result of data analysis, 27 concepts from all interviews were extracted and eventually categorized into selective coding in six segments of cultural, personal, infrastructural, access, medical and communication. Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, social security organization should pay attention to the causes of unnecessary referrals to social welfare centers, and use relevant strategies in various cultural, personal, hospital settings, and communication in their planning.
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19- Hammond CL, Pinnington LL, Phillips MF. A qualitative examination of inappropriate hospital admissions and lengths of stay. BMC health services research, 2009; 9(1): 44.
20- Mahfoozpour S, Zarei E, Mehrabi Y, Ashkevari N. Evaluation of Unnecessary Admissions and Hospital Stays and Estimation of Its Financial Burden: A Study at Internal Wards of Selected Hospitals of Alborz University of Medical Sciences. Journal of health promotion management, 2017; 6(5): 51-57. [In Persian]
21- Pezeshki MZ, Pezeshki S. Educating Quaternary Prevention (P4) in Iran for decreasing the harms and costs of unnecessary services in clinical medicine and public health. Payesh, 2013; 12: 329-333. [In Persian]
_||_1- Kotler P, Armstrong G. Principles of marketing. Translated by Bahman Forouzandeh. Tehran: amukhteh’ Publishing; 2014.
2- Peattie KK & Peattie S. Social marketing: A pathway to consumption reduction? Journal of Business Research, 2008; 62: 260-268.
3- Wall AP. Commentary Government demarketing: different approaches and mixed messages. European Journal of Marketing, 2007; 39 (5,6(: 421-427.
4- Shirkhodaei M, Fallah Lajimi, M, Fazlollahtabr Ledari M. Anti-marketing Use of Tobacco and Prioritizing Strategies Using Multi-criteria Decision-making Techniques, 2018; 10(37): 547-566. [In Persian]
5- Sodhi K. Has marketing come full circle? Demarketing for sustainability. Business strategy series, 2011; 12 (4): 117-185.
6- Thal, JM & Zhang, J. (De) marketing to Manage Consumer Quality Inferences. Workshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing; 2011.
7- Gordon R, McDermott L, Stead M, Anqus K. The effectiveness of social marketing interventions for health improvement: What's the evidence? Public Health, 2006; 120(12): 1133-1139.
8- International Labor Office, Social Security Office in the Skopp Area. (Translation by Yousef Naraghi, First Edition, Tehran: Publisher of the Institute for Social Security Research, in collaboration with the Publication Corporation; 1996.
9-. Saeidi R. Investigating the views of directors and employees of social security organization in Tehran with regard to solving the organization problems. Social Development and Welfare Planning, 2010; 1(1): 47-70. [In Persian]
10- Social Security for all. Cultural and art institute of Atieh Ahang. Ordered by the social and cultural department of the Social Security Organization; 2016.
11- Nasiripour AA, Raisi P, Maleki MR, Akbarian Bafghi M. The combined pattern of health services marketing in Iranian state hospitals. Health Information Management, 2012; 9: 1158-1168. [In Persian]
12- Nasiripour AA, Gohari MR, Nafisi A. Branding and Functional Indices Relationship in Mashhad Ghaem. Hospital Journal of Health Administration, 2010; 13(41): 15-20. [In Persian]
13- Corbin CL, Kelley SW, Schwartz RW. Concepts in service marketing for healthcare professionals. The American Journal of Surgery, 2001; 181(1): 1-7.
14- Badisar N, Ostovar sangari K, Masoudi I. Evaluation of health services in accordance with security act. Majlis and Rahbord, 2012; 18(68): 33-62. [In Persian]
15- Ahmadi, AA, Rasooli R, Rajabzadeh Q, Gholizadeh P. Presenting a crisis management model focusing on human resources management system for Tehran's hospitals. Public Administration, 2012; 10: 1-24. [In Persian]
16- Valibeyghi, H. Promotional Policies for Exports of High-Tech Industries in Selected Countries. Quarterly Commercial Reviews, 2009; 37: 9-28. [In Persian]
17- Creswell J. Qualitative inquirey and research design: choosing among five approaches. Sage, 3ed 2007: 201-220.
18- Hwang JI, Kim J, Jang W, Park JW. Inappropriate hospitalization days in Korean oriental medicine hospitals. Int J Qual Health Care, 2011; 23(4): 437-44.
19- Hammond CL, Pinnington LL, Phillips MF. A qualitative examination of inappropriate hospital admissions and lengths of stay. BMC health services research, 2009; 9(1): 44.
20- Mahfoozpour S, Zarei E, Mehrabi Y, Ashkevari N. Evaluation of Unnecessary Admissions and Hospital Stays and Estimation of Its Financial Burden: A Study at Internal Wards of Selected Hospitals of Alborz University of Medical Sciences. Journal of health promotion management, 2017; 6(5): 51-57. [In Persian]
21- Pezeshki MZ, Pezeshki S. Educating Quaternary Prevention (P4) in Iran for decreasing the harms and costs of unnecessary services in clinical medicine and public health. Payesh, 2013; 12: 329-333. [In Persian]