Identification of Effective Factors on the Development of Export of Medical Equipment Using Grounded Theory
Subject Areas : medical documentsghasem zarei 1 * , banafsheh parsamehr 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Economics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran
2 - Master of Business Administration, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran
Keywords: Export Development, Medical Equipment, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Introduction: Today, exports play a major role in the development of countries, and in this regard, the medical equipment industry is one of the most prestigious industries in Iran. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the export of medical equipment. Methods: The present research is an applied research, in terms of nature of research is exploration and in terms of approach, is a qualitative research type. Data from interviews with 12 specialists and managers of medical equipment companies were analyzed using Grounded Theory Methodology. The results of the interview were analyzed in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selective coding). Results: 37 concepts were extracted from the interviews and ultimately in selective coding in five structural, economic, organizational, political-legal and marketing components was accepted. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, the active companies in the medical equipment industry should consider the indicators introduced in structural, economic, organizational, legal, political, and marketing components in their planning for export development.
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_||_1- Anthony JP. Electrical Distribution Engineering. The Fairmont Press Inc, 2006.
2- Monica T. Profitability Analysis (A comparative study of SAIL & TATA Steel). Journal of Economics and Finance, 2014; 3(2): 19-22.
3- Nazemi M, Torkashvand Z, Samiyazadeh R, Sayyid Hosseininejad SS. The Effective Models of Knowledge Management in the Supply Chain. Journal of Management Research Future Quarterly, 2011; 22(2): 59-74. ]In Persian[
4- Fajiani H, Arefnejad M. Ranking of Factors Affecting the Implementation of Electronic Human Resource Management for Achieving the World Class. The Perspective of Public Administration, 2011; 2(6): 75-94. ]In Persian[
5- Valibeyghi, H. Promotional Policies for Exports of High-Tech Industries in Selected Countries. Quarterly Commercial Reviews, 2009; 37: 9-28. ]In Persian[
6- Sadeghi I, Saadabadi AA, Mazarei SH, Nowroozi K. Investigating the Role of Intermediary Bodies of Innovation in Electronic Industries. 5th International Conference and 9th National Conference on Technology Management; 2016. ]In Persian[)
7- Faraji M. Explaining Appropriate Patterns of Technology Development in Medical Equipment with Emphasis on Export Strategy. National Conference on New Approaches in Business Management, Tabriz. Tabriz University and Industrial Management Organization; 2014. ]In Persian[)
8- Sayedhashemi Toulon MR, Sharafi Nejad N, Abbasi A. Identification and ranking of factors affecting the export development of small and medium enterprises in Iranian food industry Case study: Confectionery and Chocolate Department. 2nd International Management and Accounting Conference. Tehran. Salihan Higher Education Institute; 2017. ]In Persian[
9- Khodakaram G, Abtin A, Kurd B. Identifying and Investigating Effective Factors on Electronic Marketing in the Development of Banana Export, Fourth National Conference on Information Technology. Computer and Telecommunications. Mashhad, Torbat Heydarieh University; 2017. ]In Persian[)
10- Faraji M. Explaining Appropriate Patterns of Technology Development in the Medical Equipment Industry with Emphasis on Export Strategy. National Conference on New Approaches to Business Management. Tabriz. Tabriz University and Industrial Management Organization; 2014. ]In Persian[
11- Torabi Mofrad M, Heydari Gujani M. Evaluation of the factors affecting the supply of Iranian caviar exports to non-oil exports. Third International Conference on Green Economy. Babolsar; 2016. ]In Persian[
12- Khalil Abadi R, Najafizadeh SA, Badran M. Factors Affecting Export Development of Ornamental Ornamental Flowers and Plants in Tehran. Fourth National Conference on Management, Economics and Accounting. Tabriz. East Azarbaijan Industrial Management Organization. Tabriz University; 2016. ]In Persian[
13- Rezaei Zadeh M, Masiibi R. Ranking of customs formalities affecting export development. Third World Conference on Management. Accounting Economics and Humanities at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Shiraz; 2016. ]In Persian[
14- Creswell J. Qualitative inquirey and research design: choosing among five approaches. Sage, 3ed; 2007: 201-220.
15- Khorshidi G, Hajipour R, Azizi S, Hanzal Aidani, H. Determination and Prioritization of Effective Factors and Indicators on Export Development in Free Trade Regions of Iran. International Conference on Change Management. Tehran. Development Center Applied Information; 2016. ]In Persian[
16- Creswell J. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, Sage; 2003.
17- Lee JA. Grounded theory: integration and internalization in ERP adoption and use. ETD collection for University of Nebraska; 2001.
18- Pandit NR. The creation of theory: A recent application of the grounded theory method. The qualitative report, 1996; 2(4): 1-15.