Designing and Validating the Tool for Assessing the Organizational Behavior of Nonclinical Staff; A Study at Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Subject Areas : medical documents
Fateme Alipour
Fariba Asghari
zahra shahvari
1 - Associate Professor, Professionalism Office & Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Professionalism office and Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran, Iran
Keywords: instrumentation, Validation, Nonclinical staff, assessment, Organizational Behavior,
Abstract :
Introduction: The success of hospitals in providing patient satisfaction depends on many factors. The role of employee's commitment to organizational behavior in patient’s satisfaction in hospitals is important. Methods: The present study is a methodological research in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, which aims to design a questionnaire for assessment of the employee's commitment to organizational behavior which was carried out in two phases. In the first phase we developed items pool based on a review of literature and expert’s views. In the second phase we evaluated content validity and face validity of items, and finally the reliability assessment of the instrument. Results: A questionnaire was developed based on a review of literature; an 80-items pool was formed. By interviewing experts, and omitting the overlap items, the number of items was reduced to 40 items. In the next stage, content validity, face validity and reliability of the items (α = 0.859) were proved, and the number of items were reduced to 17 items. Finally, we allocated 12 items (from 17 items) to be assessed by heads and colleagues. We also found that patients were able to evaluate the employee's commitment to organizational behavior through 5 items (from 17 items). Conclusion: An assessment tool contain 17 items was developed for assessment of the employee's commitment to organizational behavior, taking into account the views of service providers and patients.
1- Saeed Sadeghieh Ahari , Zahra Tazakori , Shahram Habib zadeh , Oktay Yahyavi, Vadod Novrozi , Vosogh. MN. Respecting patients’ rights and expectations’ of patients in hospitals of medical sciences university of Ardabil in 2012. Journal of Sabzevar School of Medical Sciences, 2015; 22(3): 472-80.
2- Dufrene RL. An evaluation of a patient satisfaction survey: validity and reliability. Evaluation and Program Planning, 2000; 23(3): 293-300.
3- Jouhari Z, yousefi A, Shakour M, Omid A, Bazrafkan L. Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction from the Viewpoints of Physicians and Medical Students; 2015.
4- Soleimanpour h, Salarilak S, Raoufi P, Rajaei Ghafouri R, Gholipouri C, Pouraghaei M. ASSESSMENT OF PATIENT SATISFACTION WITH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT SERVICES IN IMAM KHOMEINI HOSPITAL, TABRIZ, IRAN. J Urmia Univ Med Sci, 2012; 23(1): 22-31.
5- Copperman K, Canepa K, Murphy K, Acosta-La Greca M, Chuang L, Copperman A. People respect what you inspect. Fertility and Sterility, 2009; 92(3): S61-S2.
6- Nadi MA, Moghtaderi N. The Relationship Between Ethical Priciples, Job Satisfaction, And Psychological Empowerment With Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Private Hospitals Staff Members In Shiraz. Journal of Payavard Salamat. 2015;8(5):399-414.
7- Ghorbani AA, Hesamzadeh A, Khademloo M, Khalili S, Hesamzadeh S, Berger V. Public and private hospital nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate in their work settings, Sari city, 2011. Nursing and midwifery studies, 2014; 3(1).
8- Khazani S, Shayestehfard M, Saeed-al-Zakererin M, Cheraghian B. Nurses’ perception of actual and ideal organizational ethical climate in hospitals of Ahwaz Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences in 1390-91. Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 2013; 6(2): 99-110.
9- Borhani F, Jalali T, Dehestani M, Abbaszadeh A, Torabi SJ, Esmaeilpour H. Ethical climate in social security and private hospitals in Kerman in 1391. Bioethics Journal, 2016; 4(14): 67-81.
10- Navid Hamidi M, Ghasemi E, Hajrajabi A, Esmaeili Givi S. Relationship between ethical climate and organizational citizenship behaviors among of nurses in intensive care units. Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management, 2017; 6(2): 51-9.
11- Nezamabadi Z, Eslami S. Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Nurses in Hospitals in Tehran City, Iran. 2019. [In Persian]
12- Gholami S, Keykale M, Tir M, Ramandi F, Karimi M, Rajaee R. Investigating the relationship between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior among staff hospital. European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research, 2015; 3(3): 54-63.
13- Saeedi Tehrani S, Nayeri F, Jafarian A, Mirzazadeh A, Shahi F, Ghasemzadeh N, et al. Development of the First Guideline for Professional Conduct in Medical Practice in Iran. Archives of Iranian medicine, 2017; 20(1): 12.
14- Lawshe CH. A quantitative approach to content validity. Personnel psychology, 1975; 28(4): 563-75.
15- Polit DF, Beck CT, Owen SV. Is the CVI an acceptable indicator of content validity? Appraisal and recommendations. Research in nursing & health, 2007; 30(4): 459-67.
16- Hyrkäs K, Appelqvist-Schmidlechner K, Oksa L. Validating an instrument for clinical supervision using an expert panel. International Journal of nursing studies, 2003; 40(6): 619-25.
17- Zineldin M, Camgöz-Akdağ H, Vasicheva V. Measuring, evaluating and improving hospital quality parameters/dimensions–an integrated healthcare quality approach. International journal of health care quality assurance, 2011; 24(8): 654-62.
18- Mack JL, File KM, Horwitz JE, Prince RA. The effect of urgency on patient satisfaction and future emergency department choice. Health care management review, 1995; 20(2): 7-15.
19- Wilkinson TJ, Wade WB, Knock LD. A blueprint to assess professionalism: results of a systematic review. Academic medicine, 2009; 84(5): 551-8.
20- Hurst Y, Prescott-Clements L, Rennie J. The patient assessment questionnaire: A new instrument for evaluating the interpersonal skills of vocational dental practitioners. British dental journal, 2004; 197(8): 497.
21- Prislin MD, Lie D, Shapiro J, Boker J, Radecki S. Using standardized patients to assess medical students' professionalism. Academic Medicine, 2001; 76(10): S90-S2.
22- Van Zanten M, Boulet JR, Norcini JJ, McKinley D. Using a standardised patient assessment to measure professional attributes. Medical education, 2005; 39(1): 20-9.
1- Saeed Sadeghieh Ahari , Zahra Tazakori , Shahram Habib zadeh , Oktay Yahyavi, Vadod Novrozi , Vosogh. MN. Respecting patients’ rights and expectations’ of patients in hospitals of medical sciences university of Ardabil in 2012. Journal of Sabzevar School of Medical Sciences, 2015; 22(3): 472-80.
2- Dufrene RL. An evaluation of a patient satisfaction survey: validity and reliability. Evaluation and Program Planning, 2000; 23(3): 293-300.
3- Jouhari Z, yousefi A, Shakour M, Omid A, Bazrafkan L. Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction from the Viewpoints of Physicians and Medical Students; 2015.
4- Soleimanpour h, Salarilak S, Raoufi P, Rajaei Ghafouri R, Gholipouri C, Pouraghaei M. ASSESSMENT OF PATIENT SATISFACTION WITH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT SERVICES IN IMAM KHOMEINI HOSPITAL, TABRIZ, IRAN. J Urmia Univ Med Sci, 2012; 23(1): 22-31.
5- Copperman K, Canepa K, Murphy K, Acosta-La Greca M, Chuang L, Copperman A. People respect what you inspect. Fertility and Sterility, 2009; 92(3): S61-S2.
6- Nadi MA, Moghtaderi N. The Relationship Between Ethical Priciples, Job Satisfaction, And Psychological Empowerment With Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Private Hospitals Staff Members In Shiraz. Journal of Payavard Salamat. 2015;8(5):399-414.
7- Ghorbani AA, Hesamzadeh A, Khademloo M, Khalili S, Hesamzadeh S, Berger V. Public and private hospital nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate in their work settings, Sari city, 2011. Nursing and midwifery studies, 2014; 3(1).
8- Khazani S, Shayestehfard M, Saeed-al-Zakererin M, Cheraghian B. Nurses’ perception of actual and ideal organizational ethical climate in hospitals of Ahwaz Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences in 1390-91. Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 2013; 6(2): 99-110.
9- Borhani F, Jalali T, Dehestani M, Abbaszadeh A, Torabi SJ, Esmaeilpour H. Ethical climate in social security and private hospitals in Kerman in 1391. Bioethics Journal, 2016; 4(14): 67-81.
10- Navid Hamidi M, Ghasemi E, Hajrajabi A, Esmaeili Givi S. Relationship between ethical climate and organizational citizenship behaviors among of nurses in intensive care units. Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management, 2017; 6(2): 51-9.
11- Nezamabadi Z, Eslami S. Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Nurses in Hospitals in Tehran City, Iran. 2019. [In Persian]
12- Gholami S, Keykale M, Tir M, Ramandi F, Karimi M, Rajaee R. Investigating the relationship between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior among staff hospital. European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research, 2015; 3(3): 54-63.
13- Saeedi Tehrani S, Nayeri F, Jafarian A, Mirzazadeh A, Shahi F, Ghasemzadeh N, et al. Development of the First Guideline for Professional Conduct in Medical Practice in Iran. Archives of Iranian medicine, 2017; 20(1): 12.
14- Lawshe CH. A quantitative approach to content validity. Personnel psychology, 1975; 28(4): 563-75.
15- Polit DF, Beck CT, Owen SV. Is the CVI an acceptable indicator of content validity? Appraisal and recommendations. Research in nursing & health, 2007; 30(4): 459-67.
16- Hyrkäs K, Appelqvist-Schmidlechner K, Oksa L. Validating an instrument for clinical supervision using an expert panel. International Journal of nursing studies, 2003; 40(6): 619-25.
17- Zineldin M, Camgöz-Akdağ H, Vasicheva V. Measuring, evaluating and improving hospital quality parameters/dimensions–an integrated healthcare quality approach. International journal of health care quality assurance, 2011; 24(8): 654-62.
18- Mack JL, File KM, Horwitz JE, Prince RA. The effect of urgency on patient satisfaction and future emergency department choice. Health care management review, 1995; 20(2): 7-15.
19- Wilkinson TJ, Wade WB, Knock LD. A blueprint to assess professionalism: results of a systematic review. Academic medicine, 2009; 84(5): 551-8.
20- Hurst Y, Prescott-Clements L, Rennie J. The patient assessment questionnaire: A new instrument for evaluating the interpersonal skills of vocational dental practitioners. British dental journal, 2004; 197(8): 497.
21- Prislin MD, Lie D, Shapiro J, Boker J, Radecki S. Using standardized patients to assess medical students' professionalism. Academic Medicine, 2001; 76(10): S90-S2.
22- Van Zanten M, Boulet JR, Norcini JJ, McKinley D. Using a standardised patient assessment to measure professional attributes. Medical education, 2005; 39(1): 20-9.