Design and Implementation of Open and Joint Innovation Model on Digital Platform in Order to Improve society's Health in Information Technology Companies
Subject Areas : -Health economyFariba Gudarzi 1 , Hossein Moinzad 2 * , حسین ادب 3
1 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Open innovation, collaborative innovation, digital platform, IT industry, digital transformation, community health.,
Abstract :
Introduction: The health of the society, as the most basic human asset, has long been considered one of the basic human concerns, and throughout history, it has attracted the attention of many experts and scientists in various scientific fields, including social experts. The purpose of the research was to design and implement an open and collaborative innovation model on the platform of the digital platform in order to improve the health of society in information technology companies.
Methods: The current research was applied in terms of its purpose and qualitative in terms of method with the approach of foundational data theory. In this research, the methodological approach was followed by using different methods of data collection, such as the method of library study and review of specialized sources and texts, as well as semi-structured interviews. Based on targeted sampling, 14 managers and experts of companies active in the IT industry in Tehran were interviewed in 2002. The conducted interviews were coded in ATLAS.TI software. To confirm the results obtained based on three strains, the data were evaluated and qualitatively analyzed.
Results: Research findings in five categories of causal conditions (culture of innovation, participation, new technological infrastructure, knowledge and expertise, and ideation), intervening conditions (political conditions, economic conditions, industry conditions, security conditions and trust), background conditions (innovation financing, technical potential of innovation and business ecosystem) and strategy (joint product development, commercialization, innovative targeting in the digital platform, environmental dynamics, creative performance of human resources, financing of innovation, technical potential of innovation and business ecosystem and community health) and consequences (country's growth and development, project management development and industry development) were identified separately. A model was identified in 6 categories, 20 core codes based on 115 open codes. This model has defined one of the most comprehensive open and joint innovation models on the platform of the digital platform in line with Juma's health.
Conclusion: The use of this model in IT companies in Tehran increases the interactions between people, the health of society and the development of cooperation networks. By creating mechanisms to accept mistakes and gain experience, people are able to learn from past mistakes and provide better solutions to face future challenges. Also, open communication in the organization creates new opportunities to generate innovative ideas and solve complex problems. By creating a suitable digital platform and using the available tools and opportunities, IT companies in Tehran can achieve more innovations and increase their competitiveness in line with the health of society. This model not only helps to increase the quality and speed of the innovation process, but also helps to improve the products and services provided by the companies.
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