Trade in the Mediterranean Sea: A Review of Commercial Agreements between Abū Al-0assan and Abū #Inan Marīnī and Christian States
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
Keywords: The Mediterranean Sea, Abū al-0assan and Abū-#Inan
, , History of Trade, Mallorca, Aragon,
Abstract :
The Marīnīds were at the peak of power in the reigns of Abū Al-0assan(rule:1331-1349 A.D.) and Abū #Inan (rule:1349-1358 A.D.)during which their political dominance extended not only over theMaghrib Al –AÎsā (Far West) as their former seat of government, butalso over the middle and near West and even to some parts ofAndalusia. The Marīnīds’ dominance over the Mediterranean longcoasts promoted the situation of Morocco in this era as a gateway toEurope and Africa and led toward the conclusion of several treatiesbetween Muslims and Christians in the light of their common interestsand with the purpose of expansion of trade in the Mediterranean Sea.The rulers of Mallorca, the Italian ports of Venice, Genoa, Pisa andfinally, the Government of Aragon concluded separate trade treatieswith Muslims. They aimed to supply raw materials and publicnecessities. Studies on these treaties show that when Muslims werepowerful, their Christian trade allies had to accept their conditions andabide by their obligations, while the situation reversed, the contents oftreaties changed prejudicially in favor of the Christians.