The Relationship Between Religion and Civilization Malek Binnabi's Thought
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisationمحسن الویری 1 * , سیدرضا مهدی نژاد 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Malek Bennabi, Religion and Civilization, Religious thought, Elements of Civilization, Soil and Civilization, Time and Civilization,
Abstract :
The relationship between religion and civilization and the role of religion in the creation or development of civilizations have been echoed among many civilization historians and theorists. and even some of religiousscholars, produced a diverse range of pro- and counter-views. This article attempts to analyses the ideas of Malek Ben Nabi, an Algerian prominent thinker, about the relationship between religion and civilization. He is one the few Muslim thinkers whose studies and works focus on civilization, the role of religion in civilization and the relationship between them. In his perspective, the constituent elements of a civilization are: man, soil and time. But what is important as an underlying point is that existence of these elements solely will not create a civilisation.It needs to a synthesizer, which influenced the combination of those three elements. Historical analysis shows that the only thing which always has been followed by constructing a civilization is “religious thought”. Religious thought stimulates spirit of these elements and by combining them together, extract a production called civilization. Although creation of a civilization is subject to human civilizational zation will, this doesn’t happened but by human’s faith which calls for attempts and motivations. The civilization is the result of human’s interaction with soil in a specific period of time and in the light of religious thought
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