The Role of Religion in Political - Military Relations between the Ilkhanīd and the |ip´aÎ Kings
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisationصالح پرگاری 1 * , مریم محمدی 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: , ip´aÎ Kings, Ilkhanid, Mamluks, Ilkhanīd and the
, , ip´aÎ King,
Abstract :
|ip´aÎ Kings and Ilkhanid, were two divisions of Mongols that thelatter was established and expanded to the west by Hulagu and |ip´aÎKhanat were the possessors of Chengiz legacy. Because of politicalrivalry, they went through a war which was the first within Mongoldynasty. One of the motives for this conflict was the religiousdifferences between Berka, as a Muslim and Holagu, as a Buddist andso it had a great impact on the political and military ties between twogovernments..This led to the conversion of |ip´aÎ Kings to Islam forattracting Muslim support and obtaining the religious ties with theMamluk as the enemy of Ilkhanid. After the conversion of Ilkhanid toIslam, |ip´aÎ changed their policy but the religious dispute wascontinued to the end of their period. This article aims to consider therole of religion in the conflicts between these two governments.