The Parts of Automatic Waterworks: Mīzāb, MuÎallab and Nißf-o-Tardjahār Based on Book al-•uruÎ al-Sanīyya fī al-Ālāt al-Rūhānīyyah
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisationسعید نظری 1 * , علی غفرانی 2 * , ایرج نیکسرشت 3 *
1 - نویسنده مسئول
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Ìlm al-Èīyal, Fountains, Magic Dishes, Mīzāb, MuÎallab, Nißf-o-Tardjahār,
Abstract :
Designing auto fountains, in order to create different shapes at the designated intervals as well as their design principles and componentswas known as al-Avānī al-Ajībah (magic dishes) that was a branch of Ìlm al-Èīyal (approximate equivalent of mechanic engineering). Like magic dishes, these auto fountains had outstanding features and worked by a hiddenmechanical system. The capability of creating the various shapes in each interruption at the specific intervals is the main feature of these auto fountains. In the book al-•uruÎ al-Saniyya fī al-Ālāt al-Rūhānīyyah written by TaÎī al-Dīn Muhammad ibn ma’rūf Known as Rāsid, the great scientist and well-known astronomer in tenth century, Istanbul, three kinds of these auto fountains have been mentioned. Since changing the shape of the fountains eruption had been done due to their hidden controlling system, it is necessary to study the auto component parts separately, for better understanding the mechanism of their operating systems. Three important parts of these mechanisms consist of Mīzāb, MuÎallab and Nisf-o-Tarjahār that being introduced and studied in this paper.
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