Disputes Between 0anābala/ 0anbalites and Imāmīya Shī#a in Siljuks era
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
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Keywords: Siljuks era, 0anābala/ 0anbalites, Imāmīya Shī#a, 0anābala and Shi#as Relations, Religious Politics of Siljuks,
Abstract :
Whereas most Islamic sects throughout history had conflicts anddisputes with each other, these discords were most significant amongShī#a and Sunnī. Baghdād as the Capital of #Abbāsīd Caliphate was therallying point for Shi’as and Hanbalites -as a radical Sunni branch-aswell. After the collapse of Buyid Dynasty during which Shī#aspromoted in Baghdād, Sunni Siljuks came to power. 0anbalites withlong held enmity toward Shī#as grasped the opportunity and pushedthem into a corner and disputes peaked. In present paper ups anddowns of disputes between these two sects in Baghdad in SiljuksDynasty has been addressed.