Al-Fārābī's Theory of Just War
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - PhD Student of Philosopy of Religion, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Al-Fārābī, Political Philosophy, philosophy of war, theory of just war,
Abstract :
Al-Fārābī might be considered the only philosopher of war in Islamic civilization. A philosopher who developed his philosophy of war as a component of his political philosophy. He tried to formulate his theory of just war- focused on jus ad bellum- by preparing a normative system of ontological, epistemological, and ethical requirements for warfare. This study is to explain the philosophical foundations of Al-Fārābī's thoughts on war through reflection on the two fields of Al-Fārābī's theory of human and justice. This philosophical explanation provides an appropriate theoretical basis for presenting a comprehensive and coherent reading of Al-Fārābī's theory of warfare. In addition the theoretical formulation of Al-Fārābī's thoughts is formed in the application of Textual Reading theory and internalist approach in the history of ideas. Appropriate methodological tools that can use the conceptual reserves of contemporary theories of philosophy of war. The result of the study is that Al-Fārābī was neither an anti-war philosopher nor a militant thinker. Rather, Al-Fārābī's views on war are centered on his theory of virtue and in line with his theory of welfare.
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