A Study of the Achievements of French Orientalists in Algeria (1830-1962 AD)
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - PhD in Islamic History, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Algeria, Colonialism, France, Oriental studies, Amazigh, Islam,
Abstract :
French Orientalism is one of the most important and prominent schools of Oriental studies. The main brilliance of French Orientalism in the era of French colonialism can be seen in Algeria, which took strategic steps to establish and advance the goals of colonialism in Algeria. The collection of French Orientalists includes a number of translators, writers, and artists who are ultimately pluralistic, but must be found in a single orbit. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method to study and analyze the institutions and fields of study and practice of French orientalists in Algeria (1830-1962). The main questions of this article are: What are the institutions and fields of study and practice of French orientalists in Algeria? Findings: Algeria is one of the most important Orientalist experiences, especially after its occupation by France in 1830. Orientalists began preliminary studies and training of the military and politicians a few years before the occupation of Algeria. In three stages, French orientalists achieved great success for their respective governments. The first stage (1830_1879) is mostly witnessed by military orientalists. But the second period (1879_1930) saw the expansion of the activities of French Orientalists, both with the establishment of new schools for teaching the Arabic language and with the holding of Orientalist conferences. This period is the most important period of development and implementation of French colonial cultural policies in Algeria. The third stage (1930_1962) the role of orientalists faded. Orientalists and the Church also served a common goal, especially in the spread of Christianity.
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