Rationalism and Textualism in Al-Bad wa l- Tarikh
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisationخضر پورعبادی 1 , یونس فرهمند 2
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: al-Makdisī, rationalism, Textualism, Historical Reports, Quran,
Abstract :
Some scholars have considered al-Makdisī (ca.355 H.), the author of Al-Bad wa l- Tarikh, as a “rationalist” and a mu’tazili.That is because of the examples of rationalism in Al-Bad are appearing significant and bold. Al-Makdisī has used the term “rationale” in verbal deductions such as proofs of prophecy and Sharia, analysis of historical reports, and when seen fit, has quoted Greek philosophers and great mu’tazilisscholars. After studying his methods of epistemology, philosophy, and reviewing reports in the aforementioned book, the present author has posed the question of where rational deductions of al-Makdisīstand in reviewing historical reports. Finally, the author has come to the conclusion that contrary to other scholars’ opinion, al-Makdisī is unsure and insecure amid two currents of rationalism and textualism. Therefore, in spite of frequent insistence on rationalistic views, the historical reports of al-Makdisī are actually not different from other historical-narrative texts of his time.
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