-Qurān and Akhbār ad-Dawla al-Ābbāsīyya: An Intertextual Study
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisationzeinab izadi 1 * , Masoud Sadeghi 2
1 - M.A in History & Civilization of Islamic Nations, Department of Theology, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of History & Civilization of Islamic Nations, Department of Theology, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: intertextuality, Qur’ânicization, Literary use of the Qur’an, Different interpretation of th, historization, legitimization,
Abstract :
Akhbār ad-Dawla al-Ābbāsīyya is a new work from an unknown writer which had an important role in changing researchers view on the Abbasid revolution and the principles of Caliphate. In this book, Qur’ânicization and the Citation from the Qur’an have four methods: literary use of the Qur’an, putting verses in the new historical context and presenting a different interpretation of them, historization and legitimization by using Quranic terms. According to the intertextuality studies, we can say that the Qur’an has certainly affected this book. The various goals of the Citation from the Qur’an are improving of the writing style of the text, creation of religious space and giving the authenticity to a narration or even legitimization to the Abbasid Caliphate. Moreover, Akhbar ad-Dawla al-Abbasiyya shows that the writer knew the Qur’an well, used it skillfully and his mind is too familiar to words, terms and verses of the Qur’an
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