Rhazes’ Research Methods in Medicine
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of History and Civilisation of Islamic Nations, Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: : Rhazes, Research methods, Islamic medicine, al-Mansuri fi al-Tib,
Abstract :
The Renaissance was the start of a new age of science, creativity and critical thinking in the West, however, the research methods and perspectives have been prevailed since the early twentieth century. Nevertheless, the Muslim scholars in the glorious age of Islamic civilization have had their own methods and insights. Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi(Rhazes) was a great Iranian physician who used the particular research methods and approaches in his works which can be compared with his European counterparts in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AD. Rhazes composed his valuable works by his mastermind and critical gift as well as putting emphasis on the clinical observations and experimental techniques to explore the medical science. He used the research methods such as expression of the study, aim of research, question and hypothesis, sources criticism, introduction, discussion and conclusion that are common today. This article examines the major works of Rhazes in medicine, presenting the examples of his research methods and perspectives that are much beyond his age and similar to today. Keywords: Rhazes, Research methods, Islamic medicine, al-Mansuri fi al-Tib. References Bacon, Francis, The advancement of Learning, Ed. by Joseph Devey New York, 1951. Online available: www.libertyfund.Org. Bynum, William, History of Medicine, Oxford, 2004. Descartes, Rene, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, London, 1957. Ibn Abī Uṣaybia, Aḥmad b. Ḳasim, Uyūn al_ anbā fī ṭabaḳāt al_ aṭibbā, Revised by Āmir Nadjdjar, Cairo, 2001 AD/ 1421 AH. Katouzian Safadi, Mehrnaz, 4 Les Médicaments Simples et Composés dans le Livre Les Doutes sur Galien ou Kitab al-Shukuk ‘ala Galînûs de Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya al-Razi( IX-X), Analyse des chapitres sur les médicaments simples et composés ou miyamir et qatajanis d’al-Razi, Acte du 36ème Congrès International d’Histoire de la Médecine, Tunisie, 1998. Ibid, “Les hiéras, Médicaments Composés Prescrits par Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariyya Razi”, Actes du ‘The first national congres on Iranian studies, Tehran, Iran ( juin 2002). Ibid, “Madjlis, Mahalī barā-yi tabādul naẓar-i ilmī wa sar-āghāz-i talīf-i yik risālia az Muḥammad Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī”, History of Science, No. 3, Summer 2005/1384. Lafollette, Hugh, Niall Shanks, “Animal Experimentation: Legacy of Claud Bernard”, International Study in The Philosophy of Science, 1994. Meyerhof, Max, Thirty three Clinical Observations by Rhazes, 1936. Neligan, A.R., “Rhazes And Avicenna”, The British Medical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4484 (Dec. 14, 1946). Najmabadi, Mahmud, “Sīmā-yi ṭibbī-yi Abūbakr Muḥammad b. Zakariyyāʾ-yi Rāzī”, Maārif Islāmī, No. 1, August/ Shahrīwar, 1966/ 1345. Nayer Nouri, Touraj, “Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī dānishmand-i āzmūn garā-yi Iranī”, Iranian Journal of Surgery, Volume 15, No. 2, 2007/ 1386. Rāzī, al_ Abdāl al_ mustamila fī l_ṭibb wa al_ iladj, Tehran, 2004/1383. Ibid, Bur al_ sāah, Rasāil-i ṭibbī-yi Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī, University of Medical Sciences, 2005/ 1384. Ibid,al-Djudrī wa l_ Ḥaṣba, trans.Mahmud Najmabadi, Tehran, University of Tehran Press, 1992/ 1371. Ibid, al_ fuṣūl fī al_ ṭibb, Revised by Yosef Beig Babapour, Tehran, 2013/ 1392. Ibid, al_ Ḥāwī fī l_ ṭibb, Revised by Haytham Khalīfa Tuaymī, Dar Ehya altoras alarabiPress, Beirut, 2002 AD/ 1422 AH. Ibid,al_ Ḳūlandj, Revised by Ṣubḥī Maḥmūd Ḥammamī, Aleppo, 1983 AD, 1403 AH. Ibid, Man lā Yaḥḍuruhu l_ Ṭabīb, Revised by Muḥammad Amīn al_ Ḍanāwī, Dārrikābī lil_nashr, Cairo, 1998 AD/ 1419 AH. Ibid, al_ Manṣūrī fī al_ Ṭibb, trans. Muhammad Ibrahim Zaker, Revised by Ḥāzim Bakrī Ṣadīḳī, University of Medical Sciences, 2008/ 1387. ibid, Risāla fī al_ faṣd, Rasāil-i ṭibbī-yi Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī, University of Medical Sciences, 2005/ 1384. Ibid, Risāla fī taḳdīm al_ fawākia wa takhīr-i-hā alā al_ ṭaām, Rasāil-i ṭibbī-yi Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī, University of Medical Sciences, 2005/ 1384. Ibid, Rasāil-i ṭibbī-yi Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā-yi Rāzī, Iran University of Medical Sciences, 2005/ 1384. Ibid, al_ shukūk, Revised byMuṣṭafā Labīb Abd al_ Ghanī, Dār al_ Kutub, Cairo, 2005 AD/ 1426 AH. Ibid, al_ shukūk alā afḍal l_ aṭibbādjālīnūs, Manuscript, Tehran, Malek National Library and Museum of Iran, No. 4573. Sarton, George, tarīkh-i ilm(Essays on The Story of Sciences), trans. Ahmad Aram, Tehran, 1957/ 1336.
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