A Research in Reading (Qara’a): One of the Important Educational Methods in Muslim’s Educational System
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Educational methods, Reading (Qara’a), kinds of Reading, Reading session,
Abstract :
Studying and analyzing the educational methods is one of the main andsignificant subjects in the history of education in Islam. In factunderstanding the fluctuation of education in Islamic territories anddisclosing the secret of its productivity and stagnation are to a large extentindebted to analyzing these methods. Reading (Qara’a) was one of the main educational methods in educational institutions in Islamic territories.Although it initially encountered the opposition of some narrators, as one ofthe receiving ways in tradition (Hadith), along with the enhancement of theeducational facilities and implements specially books, and the growth innumber and diversity of teaching halqas, and inefficiency of some oldmethods such as dictation (Imla’), it gradually became the dominanteducational method in tradition and other fields of knowledge. In this paperin addition to studying the early formation of Reading, the opinions of prosand cons of this method and their argumentations are discussed.Subsequently, in addition to explaining general forms of Reading, someother kinds of Reading such as Reading for Sama’, Reading for Correction,Reading for Comprehension have been specifically discussed. EventuallyReading sessions for Quran and its difference with that of other fields ofknowledge and the methods of some eminent professors in Reading havebeen studied and analyzed.