The Organization of Exilarch Institution in the Islamic East
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Jewish, ReishGaluta, Exilarch,
Abstract :
Exilarch or Rosh Galut or ReishGaluta was the head of the Jewish Community in the Eastern regions and acted as the political and administrative moderator between the governments and their Jewish citizens. This post had an integrated political and administrative organization during Sassanian era and after that, it was also pursued in the basic structure of Islamic governments. This article provides a history of this institution in Sassanian era and then its evolution in the Islamic era and depicts an image of this institution including the mode of selecting the Exilarch, the customs of ascending the throne, his political, administrative and juridical duties and the way that this institution interacted with Islamic governments, based on the Islamic and Jewish resources.
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