A Study on Iran’s Societal Backward in the Q§j§rs Era According to “Tarbiat” Newspaper
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and CivilisationAbdullah Motevali 1 , Mohammad Hassan Beigi 2 *
1 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Arak University, Arak, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Keywords: : Mohammad Hossein Foroughi, Tarbiat Newspaper, Qajar Era, Causes of Iran’s Backwardness. ,
Abstract :
: Newspapers played an irreplaceable role in changing the approach of Iranian society during the Qajar era. In the process leading to the formation of the Constitutional Movement within Iran, several newspapers were published. Some of them, regardless of their political stance, pursued a pathological approach to the general issues of society. The Tarbiat newspaper was one of the most important and stable of these newspapers. For nearly nine years, it sought to root out the elements and factors of societal stagnation, offering practical solutions to exit from those unpleasant conditions. The identification of the factors of societal backwardness and the proposed models of the newspaper for structural reform in the society of the Qajars formed the main issue of this article. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer this fundamental question: What are the main factors of the backward of Iranian society in the Qajar period from the perspective of the Tarbiat newspaper? And what models does the newspaper propose to get out of this situation? The results of the study show that the newspaper’s emphasis is more on cultural weaknesses and inability to expand up-to-date knowledge. Accordingly, the newspaper’s proposed system is more focused on increasing the scientific capacity of society and also the radical treatment of this disorder. Of course, from this perspective, the reform of the educational and training system is considered as the main priorities. In addition to this, the reform process will be fruitless without considering the reconstruction of the moral system of society
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همو. سرمقاله. ش 93، س دوم، 10 ذی الحجه 1315.
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همو. سرمقاله. ش 212، س چهارم، 26 رجب 1318.
همو. مدرسه مبارکه تربیت. ش 218، س چهارم، 11 رمضان 1318.
همو. سرمقاله. ش 224، س پنجم، 21 ذی الحجه 1318.
همو. تحقیق مهم راجع به مکاتب و مدارس. ش 228، س5، 11 صفر 1319.
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همو. سرمقاله. ش 276، س ششم، 24 محرم 1321.
همو. بقیه کاوش و تفتیش. ش 281، س ششم، 14 ربیع الاول 1321.
همو. بقیه گفتگوهای پیشین. ش 292، س ششم، 9 رجب 1321.
همو. سرمقاله. ش 293، س ششم، 16 رجب 1321.
همو. مزایای اسلام و استعداد ایرانی. ش 334، س هفتم، 25 رجب 1322.
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همو. علاج تنزل امم و شرح اسباب ترقی ملل. ش 350، س هفتم، 2
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