Religious Events of Arjan on the Eve of Islam Arrival to Fourth
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)mohammad azagh 1 , Fereidoun Ailhyari 2 * , Ali Akbar Kajbaf 3
1 - Phd student in history ,Isfahan university
2 - Faculty of History, University of Isfahan
3 - Faculty of History, University of Isfahan
Abstract :
AbstractSince ancient times, mountainous regions of pars were preserved by very conservativeZoroastrianism religion, and Arjan which was one of its five main Kooreh, had a great rolein this regard. In addition to different fire temples, for long times Hassan al-jas castle inArjan was keeper of Zoroastrianism religion in the region. In addition to Zoroastrianismreligion, Sassanids’ wars in Christian areas provided the basis for migration of manyChristians to Iran, especially Arjan. Riv-ardashir was environs of Arjan, that SassanidShapour exiled romans to this city after the year 256 AM. Two churches were constructedfor Greek and Syrians in the city, and therefore Riv-ardashir became the Christian centerof Fars and reached to the peak of its width and development. However, these religionsdeparted there slowly with the conquest of Arjan by Muslims, and provided the fields forexpansion of Islam in the Kooreh. In the Islamic era, cult religions like the Mu'tazilites,Ahle Hadith, Shia and others intruded in the area, and many students of the hadith haverisen from of the city