The historical course of the "originality" Based on Suhrawardi's views
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
Seyyed Sajjad Sadat-e Zadeh
Seyyed Morteza Hossaini Shahrroodi
Abdullah Nikisirat
1 - PhD student in Transcendental Philosophy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, School of Theology, Shahid Chamran
University of Ahvaz
Abstract :
The historical course of the issue of "authenticity" is one of the issues that can be tracedback to other people by looking closely at it. One of these characters, who are givenincorrect ratios, is Suhrawardi, who has given him a degree of authenticity, the subjectof his wisdom. He defines light as its appearance, which is the symbol of slippery.Suhrawardi, based on what appears, addresses the discussion of the structure of truththat is directly known to us. The main purpose of the present research is to examine thesubstantive issue. It is known that Suhrawardi considered the originality of nature, butin fact the authentic nature of knowing Suhrawardi is a common misconception.Suhrawardi considers the absolute concept of nature and existence to be valid, but thetrue nature of the present, which has external effects, is real. Of course, at that timethere was no discussion of originality, and that which was raised from them, and it wasimportant that the concept of light and the concept of darkness were against it. He hasmade light the foundation of the universe. Or it is better to say that he has an antipersonal look, presence, consciousness, light, intuition, and these issues are original inthe system of illumination.