An Analysis of Historical Documentary Poetry of The Constitution in Bahar’s Divan
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
1 - Mahallat Branch,Islamic azad university,mahallat.iran
Abstract :
AbstractHistorical documentary poetry is a part of Persian literature whichincludes a kind of chronology and can be used as a document to studyhistorical events. Extraordinary linguistic and musicality of Farsi hasmade famous as the language of poetry. Hence, in addition to its poetrysimilarity to other languages in subject and content, it possesses a newfunction which is narrating history. The Iranian Constitutionalist poetssuch as the poet laureate Bahar has narrated historical events in hispoetry and has registered many events and their causes in his ownpoetry. This study attempts to show that many historical events in theConstitutionalist era mentioned in historical documents match theevents narrated in his poetry. Also, it is attempted to study hisbiography and works and the effects of Constitutionalism on Iraniansociety, culture and Persian poetry and some of his poems that arerelated to historical information of Constitutionalism have been.analyzedKey words: historical documentary poetry, constitutionalism, thepoet laureate Bahar, reflections