The Pattern Of Legitimation in Political Thought Of Darius I
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)Alireza Heydari 1 * , Mojtaba Monshi Zadeh 2 , Faezeh Farazandehpour 3
1 - PhD student of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, The Department of Ancient Culture And Languages
2 - Professor, Department of General Linguistics and Culture and Ancient Languages, Allameh Tabatabaei University,Tehran, iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch ,Tehran, Iran The Department of General Linguistics
Keywords: Legitimation, Darius, Bistun,
Abstract :
The inscriptions of Darius I of especially the inscription of Bistun, are an important attempt to justify himself and his kingdom. In this study, Darius's legitimizing mechanisms are listed, according to the model presented by Theo van Leeuwen (the leading theorist of critical discourse analysis). After examining the textual context of the study, it is clear that according to the theoretical basis of the present article, from the methods of legitimizing the discourse, Darius I, while memorizing the inscription from the methods of individual authority, expert authority, non-individual authority, moral evaluation, rational justification and mythology in the text He is a slave and in that text his evidence becomes clear. After examining the textual context of the study, it is clear that according to the theoretical basis of the present article, from the methods of legitimizing the discourse, Darius I, while memorizing the inscription from the methods of individual authority, expert authority, non-individual authority, moral evaluation, rational justification and mythology in the text He is a slave and in that text his evidence becomes clear.