Identifying and prioritizing the key success factor of Merger and acquisition process of Iranian companies
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities AnalysisS. M. Ali Sadri Tabaie Zavareh 1 * , Ahmad Khodamipour 2 , Mehdi Bahar Moghaddam 3
1 - PhD in Accounting, Dep. Of Accounting, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2 - Associate Prof of Accounting, Dep. Of Accounting, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
3 - Associate Prof of Accounting, Dep. Of Accounting, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran,
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions, M&, A Challenges, M&, A strategies, M&, A consequences Grounded theo,
Abstract :
Companies use different growth strategies. Mergers and acquisition is considered to be the fastest by the organizations. Contrary to the continuous failure report of M&A activity in the last two dacades, managers and researches inclinatoin toward this strategy has increasingly been growing. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the key success factor of Merger and acquisition process of Iranian companies. The present research fundamental in terms of objective and in terms of type, descriptive-exploratory. The theme analysis technique used to analyze the qualitative data obtained from the interviews. Data extracted between the years 2015 until 2018. The sampling method is objective oriented and theoretical saturation has happened with performing interview with 15 of population. The results from theme analysis shows the Financial, strategic and human behavior reasons were respectively the most impont casual factors of M&A success. In addition, economic, management, legal and financial infrastructure has been respectively the most important contextual factors of M&A success. Action strategies are pre-merger, Merger and post-merger strategies, which will probably result in concequences such as, facilititation of transaction, financial efficiency, strategic efficiency and organizational efficiency. Challenges to the strategies are respectively, strategic, managerial, and cultural and objectives and forming conditions, mutual incentives, mutual objectives, common resources, procedures and organizational structure were respectily the most important moderators of M&A success.
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