Survey Of Reduction Procedure Of Facilities Interest Rate And Its Role On Inflation Indicator And Presantiation Apporpriate Pattern For Management And Control In Iran Between 1375-86
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysisمنوچهر جفره 1 * , خدابخش داشگرزاده 2 * , محمد عقبائی 3 *
1 - مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Facilities interest rate, Inflation Rate, Cost push inflation, Vector
, autoregressive regres,
Abstract :
One of the most important macro-economic variables, the interest rate facilities thathas an important influence on the inflation indicator. So that facilities with higherprofits, cost of capital increases, which will lead to increased production costs.According to the theory of cost push inflation, increasing production costs, the totalsupply curve moved to the left and provides an increase in inflation.In this research ; first , we evaluate facilities interest rate beetwen 1375-86 andinflation indicator rate by using Vector Autoregressive Regression (VAR) , AutoRegressive Distrebuted Lag (ARDL) and Dichey - Fuller test on the Schwartz -Bayesian ciriterion in long period term and for estimating relationship in theseelements of short term period ; we use Error correction model . correlation method isused in this research and Data gathering is in bibliotheca and documantaries .As a result ; it implies according to statistics experiments ; relation betweenfacilities interest rate and inflation indicator of long term period is expressive and toreduction in facilities interest rate concludes decrease in inflation indicator . in shortterm period this relationsheep is meaningless and reduction in facilities interest ratehas a negligible trace in Iran economy.