The Study Of The beneficially Contrarian Investment Strategy To Gain The Return And Analyze Sensitivity Of Financial Indicators By Using Tukey Test In Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysisمحمود معین الدین 1 * , شهناز نایب زاده 2 * , رسول زارع مهرجردی 3 * , علی فاضل یزدی 4 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - مسئول مکاتبات
4 - ندارد
Keywords: contrarian investment strategy, winner and loser portfolio, establishment
, and test perio, Overreaction,
Abstract :
In capital markets and behavioral finance literature, according to the different reactionof investors and in order to increase the return of capital and earn returns in excess of theexpected return, different investment strategies are presented. Contrarian InvestmentStrategy is one of these strategies, this strategy is based on the hypothesis of investor'soverreaction. However, knowing how to use contrarian investment strategy can helpinvestors to choose the appropriate stock in order to achieve maximum return. Thisresearch examines gain return by using contrarian investment strategy and analyzesSensitivity of Financial indicators in Tehran Stock Exchange. In order to conductresearch, first the period of research was divided into 16 establishment and test periodsand in establishment period, based on 11 research variables (Sale, Operating profit,Operating Cash Flow, Stock returns, the ratio of Sales to assets ratio, the ratio ofoperating profit to investment, the ratio of operating cash flow to investment, Return onassets, Return on equity, Earnings per share and The ratio of net profit to sales), thecompanies divided to two portfolio winners and losers, and then in test period, the winnerand loser portfolio return was calculated and compared. The results of researchhypotheses Show that by using Contrarian Investment Strategy, additional return can begained in Tehran Stock Exchange and also investors in each different period ofestablishment and test, show overreaction towards certain variables.
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