Effect of Changes Percentage in Dividend Payout on Future Earnings Growth
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysisآزیتا جهانشاد 1 * , محمدرضا عسگری 2 * , وحید اسدی کلی 3 *
1 - مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Percentage Changes in Dividend, Future Earnings Growth, Tobin
, Q, Lagged Earnings Growth,
Abstract :
This research investigates the effect of changes percentage in dividend payout onfuture earnings growth in Tehran stock exchange .This investigation contains anindependent variable that is called percentage changes in dividend payout and adependent variable future earnings growth in one and three years period and 5 variablecontroller variables such as firm size, leverage , return on assets , E/P Ratio, laggedearnings growth(one and three years period).This research is based on yearlyobservations period from 1384-1388.the result of this research shows that changes percentage in dividend payout haspositive effect and significant relationship on future earnings growth, it means whenthe changes percentage in dividend payout is increased the future of earnings growthis increased although this increase is low.