Evaluation and comparative analysis of mudarabah papers based on the standards of Shafi'i and Imami jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysis
fereydoon rahnama
seid abas mousavian
Mahdi Madanchi Zaj
Mohammad Adel Ziaei
1 - PhD. Student in Financial, Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Management and Economy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Finance and Accounting, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.(Corresponding Author)
3 - Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran.
4 - Department of Financial Management, Electronic Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
5 - Department of Shafi'i Jurisprudence, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Islamic securities, Mudaraba securities, Imami jurisprudence, Shafi'i jurisprudence,
Abstract :
One of the most important challenges for Islamic financial engineers is to pay attention to the differences between religions in Islamic countries, including Iran, and plan to discover the differences, resolve legal ambiguities, and finally lay the groundwork for increasing public participation in various financing projects. The importance of the present research is to resolve the legal ambiguities and doubts in order to increase participation in the financing of Mudarabah bonds. The lack of financial research in Iranian Sunni jurisprudence in connection with the issue of Mudarabah bonds, the population and the high economic and development potentials of Iranian Sunnis, as well as the potential ability to participate in various financing projects by this special segment of the Iranian society, from It is one of the necessities of conducting the present research. . Therefore, in this research, with the aim of reducing the jurisprudential doubts of the Iranian Sunnis, from the two perspectives of Shafi'i and Imami jurisprudence, the Mudarabah papers were examined and analyzed jurisprudently, in order to clarify and resolve its jurisprudential ambiguities, in fact, the present study seeks to answer this question. What are the similarities, differences and the percentage of jurisprudence and difference in Mudarabah papers based on the standards of Imamiyyah and Shafiiyyah jurisprudence. The main approach in this research is a comparative approach. In order to analyze and issue jurisprudence in Imami jurisprudence, the document analysis method (documents and approvals of the Jurisprudence Committee of the Stock Exchange Organization) has been used, and in connection with Sunni jurisprudence (Shafi'i jurisprudence), in-depth interview and focus group methods have been used, a statistical sample It includes 9 experts of Shafi'i jurisprudence. The results of the research show that the similarities and common points of jurisprudence are very high and the percentage of jurisprudence and jurisprudence in the two jurisprudence systems of Imamiyyah and Shafiiyya in relation to Mudarabah papers is at a very high level (100%), which is important. It can be the basis for increasing the participation of Iranian Sunnis in projects related to Mudarabah bonds and other Islamic securities issued in Iran.
* شمس الدین محمد بن محمد الخطیب الشربینی (1425 ه). الإقناع فی حل ألفاظ أبی شجاع، دارالکتب العلمیه، بیروت، لبنان، ۲/ 6۳.* شمس الدین محمد بن محمد الخطیب الشربینی (1291 ه). مغنی المحتاج، دارالمعرفه بیروت، لبنان، ۳۰۹/۲.