Diversity and seasonal fluctuations of Sunn pest's egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera; Scelionidae) in central regions of West-Azarbayejan province, Iran
Subject Areas :
Keywords: Species Diversity, Sunn pest, Egg parasitoids, Seasonal fluctuations,
Abstract :
Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps Puton) is the most important insect pest of wheat in Iran. The pest has numerous natural enemies, within which egg parasitoids are undoubtedly the most important of them. Species diversity of these parasitoids was investigated in three regions of West-Azarbayejan province (Urmiyeh, Naghadeh and Mahabad) in 2010 and 2011. In this survey, the egg traps were used at weekly intervals in the fields. Parasitized egg clusters were kept under optimum conditions and emerged parasitoids were identified as Trissolcus grandis (Thomson), T. djadetshkoe (Ryachovski), T. semistriatus (Nees), T. vassilievi (Mayr), T. rufiventris (Mayr),Ooencyrtus fecundus Ferriere & Voegele and O. telenomicida (Vassiliev). T. grandis was the most common species followed by T. djadetshkoe at both years in all regions. Both of the species displayed a continuous presence with a longer period for T. grandis. It seems that 2-3 generations of T. grandis vs. 2 generations of T. djadetshkoe occurred during study period; while more overlapped in the former one. Ooencyrtus species were observed in all regions. In contrast to previous species, Ooencyrtus spp. had two discrete generations, spaced one month. Such a status was observed for T. rufiventris only at 2011 in Mahabad and Naghadeh.
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